Sunday, 18 May 2014

Review - Mint Julips

During the Spring and summer months I have an allergy that flares up on my face, my whole mouth swells, it used to be the whole bottom of my face -including my lips cheeks chin and tongue, but over the years the effects haven't been as bad. The doctors haven't found out what it is I'm allergic to and are reluctant to test me because they say it isn't dangerous, but iv always thought a swollen tongue was very dangerous, also when the affects get very bad it can stop me from me from eating for weeks, meaning I live of juice, tubed yogurts and antibiotics!

Because my lips are swollen they often get really chapped, especially in the morning when I wake up. I have been looking around for products to help this problem and I stumbled across 'Lush's Mint Julips', this product works well because it helps to get rid of the flaky skins on my lips but also sooth them. I don't use the product if my lips are cut and slightly bleeding because I don't want to irritate them more, but when they are chapped this is a good product to use!

Also I love to use this product on a daily basis, especially in the morning when I get slight swelling and chapped lips through out the year but nothing to serious.

All the ingredients are natural except for some of the flavour.
  • Vanilla extract
  • Peppermint oil
  • Organic jojoba oil
  • Tagetes oil
  • Caster sugar
  • Lemonene
  • Flavour 
This product is £5.99 from Lush, I recommend it to you!



  1. I hope you find out what your allergic to soon!! This looks so good I've tried the bubblegum lip scrub from lush and I really liked it!
    Em x

    1. Thank you for checking out my blog, just read through some of your posts, I love your style.


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