Saturday, 8 July 2017

London Duck Tours Adventure | AD/ Gifted

Hey guys, recently I was contacted to write a review for London Duck Tours and I jumped at the chance, when I was younger and my dad brought me to London I always wanted to go on a tour bus and see the wonders of London that way, but it never happened. So I took this opportunity for my inner child to come out and I had so much fun!

I was a little skeptical at first because now I'm older I had it in my head that the Wonder was no longer on the tour bus which passes by the sights I've spent nearly two years seeing almost every week;  I thought it was going to be a trip with a man in a tweed jacket droning on about the details of Buckingham Palace. Oh, how I was wrong, this simple tour that I thought I was taking my housemates on definitely turned into an adventure.

If you aren't familiar with Duck Tours then they by far have the brightest most colourful tour buses in London which can't be missed, they are bright yellow buses which are also boats; originally used for the military. So from the information that I have just given about the bus, you can probably guess that this is a tour like no other; you actually get more than a bus ride, a ride on the Thames is also included, and here are my thoughts on the day.

Finding the tour was easy, we walked from Waterloo station and were there in minutes, we were the first people to sign in so we got the first choice of where to sit on the bus, our tour guide introduced himself as Tom and also the drivers, Rogers, after being told about the safety procedures we were off.  The atmosphere on the tour is amazing, Tom talked us through the history of the sites we were driving by and also had lots of other facts, he very happily interacted with everyone on the tour, answering any questions and having conversations. Luckily it was such a sunny day when we went which made for such a nice drive around but also the boat ride on the Thames was great, Roger was swapped for a waterman called James who took over for the ride. Tom had more facts while we were on the water but also let us take in the sites, but then, in my opinion, the best part of the tour was yet to come!

We broke down while attempting to get off the water, for me, this was freaking me out at first, after nearly drowning as a child I'm not the biggest fan of water and being stuck on a broken down boat on the Thames was hardly my idea of heaven. But Tom took it all in his stride with the help of James, he  contacted whoever he needed to contact to get us out and then continued to interact with us, he kept us calm and had us laughing and joking and not too long after we were pulled out of the water and back on our way.

Before anybody panics when I say we were broken down on the Thames I don't mean in the middle of the river and sinking like the Titanic, in reality, we were a few feet away from the shore and probably could have got out and walked, especially with the tide going out, but I wanted to include this story because I think it really shows how great the company are with how well the situation was dealt with, the entire trip was so much fun; even the unexpected parts.

Literal walking distance...

I have to give a huge shout out to Tom for being such a good tour guide, me and my housemates and I think everyone else on the trip thoroughly enjoyed themselves and I think this is a perfect trip for some family fun that I would definitely recommend and go on again. So if you want to find the geographical centre of London or just fancy a day out doing something a little different I would suggest you add London Duck Tours to your itinerary.

Geographic centre

Thank you for reading I hope you have enjoyed this post, and thank you to London Duck Tours!


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