Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Teen Talk? Maybe??

As I said before I want to write posts that are more like a diary, where I will post general thoughts on life and what's going on around me! And I was thinking of calling it Teen Talk? Let me know what you think!

I came on blogger today to see that a lot of people from France have been viewing my blog, which made me supers excited!!!!

Today I woke up, after having an amazing sleep, with a weird dream, but then I realised that I was still extremely tired and I have no idea why, does that ever happen to you? I was sure I would fall asleep in college but then I saw that all of the boys in my class were tired too so I felt a bit better knowing that if I fall asleep, I wont be the only one! (the are only five people in my class - me and four boys).

Something that makes me - and every other student in the world happy is the fact we got to watch a film! Today it was Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho! Which I think is a great film, even years on, and you can tell its a Hitchcock film buy the shots he uses, because they are completely different to any shots you will see in other film!

Something else that helped was that we were only in until quarter past 12- lifesaver!

That was a simple first chat, nothing exciting, but I must say to any body reading, try to get as much rest a possible, I'm not trying to sound like a nagging parent, and make it sound like you shouldn't go out or stay up late but sometimes relaxing and sleeping can help you feel so much better. So get some rest and watch Psycho!

BIYYYEEEEE thanks for reading!

Monday, 22 September 2014

Hazy Online Make Up Shop

Soooooo, while I am ill I did some online shopping to keep me occupied...

And in my dizzy haze I may have stumbled across the TopShop website, I didn't really look for clothes while I was on the site but I did get drawn in to the make up!

Here are some of my favourite pics that I want to try!

If you remember in my 10 facts about me post I said I wasn't to fond of nail varnish but to get over that I have been picking pale shades that I might like and these definitely caught my eye, especially Demolition I love grey shades!

I chose Aorta and More Than A Woman, because Autumn is here and winter isn't far behind , and I think these shades are perfect for this time of year!

Also I chose reflect because it is the perfect shade for a natural look! This is £12.50.

I hope you like my picks!


Saturday, 20 September 2014


I haven't had a cold in so long and now I have a bad one so I thought I would share with you some of my hints and tips for helping get over a cold/flu.

DISCLAIMER: im not a professional, so if these don't work, don't shoot the messenger!

  1. So my first one, if you are taking the day off and staying at home, then jump into your pyjamas, fluffy socks, a blanket and get comfy!
  2. Next you grab your laptop or hog your TV remote, time for movies, online shopping, youtube and my personal favourite watch FRIENDS! (I did this all day today)
  3. Don't forget to drink plenty throughout the day, try to stay away from caffeine, (apparently that's bad when your ill) not going to lie I still had coffee!
  4. One thing that I tried today was a homemade lemon and honey drink, iv had lemsips in the past and they tasted awful and didn't work, but I thought I would give a homemade one a try! I still don't like the taste so I didn't drink much, but apparently this drink helps to relax the throat, which I noticed once a drank it, as well as kill of the bacteria in the throat! Also hot drinks help to relieve congestion in your nose! Ill put the recipe I made below
  5. Try and get as much sleep as possible and add extra pillows if you can this helps relieve congestion.
  6. Have a hot shower or bath, this helps relax your body as well as helping with congestion! If you get lightheaded then take a bath instead of a shower so your not standing!
  7. to help soothe your throat add a table spoon of salt to warm water and gargle for a few minutes.
  8. Also use either hot or cold compresses on your sinuses.
  9. Try to eat! So I don't know about you guys but when I don't feel well sometimes I don't have the biggest appetite, but its important to try and eat!
The recipe I used in my lemon drink:
2 tablespoons of honey
juice of half a lemon
2 tablespoons of whisky
and fresh ginger that has been crushed up
a cup of hot water

I just mixed all of these together and drank it, slowly... very slowly!
don't forget it is not a good idea to add whisky if you are taking medication!


Friday, 19 September 2014

Winters Warmers

It's late September meaning that autumn followed by winter is on its way, (although someboday needs to tell the UK because were having better weather now, than we did for most of the summer!)

Although I hate the cold, I do love autumn, there are the cliché reasons why I like it such as the leaves on the trees going brown, as well as the fact they cover the ground and we get to kick and throw them around like little kids... we also now have an excuse to snuggle under blankets all day and drink hot chocolate, and of course the clocks go back an hour! But also because all new hats and scarves come out, I may hate the cold but I do love being able to wear new hates especially, so I have picked out some winter accessories, that I am loving right now!

The first thing  I have chosen is this hat from H&M, its polka dot, do I need to say anything more. Also its black and white so it will go with a lot of outfits. This hat costs £6.99.

Next from H&M I saw this rustic red tube scarf also £6.99 and it comes in white, black and grey, and this black hat which I loved because of the bow, its as simple as that! Also I picked out these grey wrist warmers! I bought some of these about four years ago and wore them everywhere, I absolutely loved them... then I lost them. The hat is £6.99 and the warmers are £4.99.

Also I saw this hat from New Look, which I have bought and love, my brother has a hat like this but black and grey and I always steal it but now I have my own and I love the colours, its also super comfy and warm. It costs £7.99
While looking on the Topshop website I saw this geo pattern scarf and the pattern and colours jumped out at me, it costs £18
Lastly is this fluffy scarf from Primark, it cost £4 and I haven't seen one myself but OH MY it looks super soft!!!
Thanks for reading I hope these make you slightly more excited for the cold weather to come!


Blog Update

I am sorry I didn't upload a Smoothie Saturday, but I haven't been in the country so I couldn't make any! Also I don't think there will be one tomorrow either!

But anyway what I wanted to speak about is my blog in general, because I have anxiety and the reason I started this blog is because I had read a few times that being able to blog has help some people with anxiety, and helps to make them feel more confident. So I decided to give it a go but, I started to make posts to make others happy and not really writing about stuff that I like. This made my posts less frequent because although I was writing about stuff I enjoy, I was beginning to get worried that people weren't going to write what I like, and although I love knowing that people I wasn't doing it for me anymore.

After taking a step back and thinking about it iv decided that I'm going to make my blog a bit more lifestyle and treat it slightly more like a diary, BUT I will still be writing beauty, food and all they other types of posts I used to because they are what I'm interested in!

So now that the boring stuff is over my blog can become interesting again... I hope!

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Smoothie Saturday

Pineapple & Mango Smoothie

Another super tasty smoothie for you guys!

Half of a cored pineapple
a full mango
a frozen banana
a handful of frozen pineapple chunks

Thanks for reading!

Travel Essentials

I know iv been away for a while, but iv had my reasons but I'm back now!
So I'm going to Switzerland on Sunday, and thought I would tell you what some of my travel essentials.

So first up is the wrap, that I will be using to carry my stuff, it was from primark, although I can't remember the price, I love this because it has three big compartments, an one is removable, also it has a hook on it so you can hang it up.

Next is slightly boring, but definitely essential! Shampoo, conditioner and moisturiser, which iv put into some travel bottles, the products I use are L'Oreal Elvive Smooth Intense shampoo and conditioner and Vaseline Aloe Fresh

For make up I'm keeping it simple, and just taking my Maybelline Pure Dream BB cream, Collection Work The Colour nude eye palette, and Work The Colour nail varnish in shade Lilac Daze, and also my collection Mosaic bronzer in sun kissed.
 Also i'll  be taking a primark brow pencil and eye liner, I saw these when I went in for travel supplies and thought for a pound I would give them a try and they work great, iv also got a concealer brush, stippling brush and a dual eye brush.

Next I have a small nail kit also from primark which cost a pound I think which is really good value, also I have an Alice In Wonderland nail file which was from a set of five Disney nail files.

Next up for face products, all I will be taking is Simple toner, and day cream with Garnier   micellar water... when I find a container small enough to put it in.

Lastly I will be taking, Vaseline hand cream, Maybelline Baby Lips, and of course dry shampoo and deodorant.

Im sorry for the big gaps everywhere and the layout, im still learning

Thanks for reading!

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