Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Recipes: Brigadeiro

Today I made brigadeiro, and decided to write a post because the recipe is so simple and fun.

1 tbsp. of butter
3 tbsp. of cocoa power
1 can of condensed milk

See that's all you need unless you want to add toppings, which I did, I added:
Hundreds and thousands
cocoa powder
ground almonds
silver pearls
white chocolate chips

  • Firstly add butter, condensed milk and cocoa powder into a pan and stir until the mixture goes stiff and no longer sticks to the pan, on a medium heat.
  • then leave the mix too cool down, you can put it into the fridge if you like.
  • Next, once the mixture is cool, take the amount you want into your hands and role them into balls.
  • once they are into balls, add the toppings as you wish, I put the toppings into a bowl and rolled the ball around until they are completely covered.
  • and your done
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