Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Thank You & Happy New Year

I would to say thank you to everybody that has been following  this blog

My first post went up in May this year, and has gone through a lot of changes since I started, and I'm happy that people all around the world have been reading and stuck by me throughout this year, even when Iv gone through bad times and spent time not posting.

I hope the next year goes better than last and my blogging gets better and you guys stick around to follow me throughout the process.

If you have any suggestion for any posts you would like feel free to comment!

I hope you guys have had an awesome christmas and have an even better new year.

Lets make 2015 our year!!

Here is a little run through of the things that have been posted this year:

Lets not forget the ugly shoes

First recipe of the year

Smoothie saturday

Once again thank you guys for sticking around and have a good new year!


Sunday, 28 December 2014

Follow Me On BlogLovin

I'd like to say thank you to everybody that takes their time to read my posts, and I have finally joined  bloglovin, and I also have twitter so please follow me if you like, the links are in the side>>>
If you like what you read please follow me!

Thank You Again

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Candy Cane & White Chocolate Chip Cookies!

So Christmas day has passed and you've probably over eaten, especially all of the biscuits and chocolates which you weren't allowed to open until the big day had arrived!

But you still have food left and if your house is anything like in my house then candy canes are usually the last to go, so I have a recipe to help use them up. To make this easier I have kept the recipe similar to the christmas spice cookies.

100g of butter
140g brown sugar
1 tbsp golden syrup
1 egg
200g plain flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 pinch of salt
1 tsp of vanilla extract
200g white chocolate chips
2 candy canes, any flavour you choose


  • First melt the butter, sugar and syrup, do this either in the microwave or in a pot over simmering water. Pre heat the oven to 175 degrees or gas mark 4
  • While the butter is melting, mix the flour, salt, baking powder and mixed spice together in a different bowl.
  • Next beat the egg into butter mixture, followed by the flour mixture.
  • Once the ingredients are mixed together put it in the fridge to cool down (it will stop the chocolate chips from melting)
  • Line 2 baking sheets with greaseproof paper.
  • Once the mix is cool, add half of the chocolate chips to the mix.
  • Put the  candy canes into a ziplock bag and crush them into smaller pieces
  • Next roll the mix into little balls and put them on the grease proof paper 
  • After press the remaining chips into the top, not to hard, just enough to hold them.
  • Next pop them in the oven, but not to high up because the chocolate will burn.
  • After the cookies have been in for about 8 minutes add the crushed candy to the top of the cookies and place them back into the oven for the remaining time
  • Bake for around 12-15 minutes, the cookies will darken in colour, but should still feel soft.
  • Once the cookies are finished out of the oven let them cool for a few minutes be for touching them, then transfer them to a cooling rack!

  • I hope you guys all had a good christmas!


    Wednesday, 24 December 2014

    Christmas Spice Cookies!

    Christmas is stressful, do you guys think christmas is stressful? So sorry for the lack of posts but iv got all christmas stuff going on, as well as being piled over with college work and trying to get my university application finished.

    Any way lets get started with the cookies, and just so you know the cookies will make you kitchen smell amazing!

    100g butter
    140g brown sugar
    1 table spoon of golden syrup
    1 egg
    200g plain flour
    1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
    1 pinch of salt
    3 tsp of mix spices


    • First melt the butter, sugar and syrup, do this either in the microwave or in a pot over simmering water. Pre heat the oven to 175 degrees or gas mark 4
    • While the butter is melting, mix the flour, salt, baking powder and mixed spice together in a different bowl.
    • Next beat the egg into butter mixture, followed by the flour mixture.
    • Line 2 baking sheets with greaseproof paper.
    • Next roll the mix into little balls and put them on the grease proof paper and put them in the oven
    • Bake for around 12-15 minutes, the cookies will darken in colour, but should still feel soft.
    • Once the cookies are finished out of the oven let them cool for a few minutes be for touching them, then transfer them to a cooling rack!
    I didn't decorate them, because I didn't have time but you can decorate them anyway you want!

    So thats it for today! Thanks for reading guys, have a good christmas!!!


    Monday, 8 December 2014

    Christmas Decorations Wishlist: Next

    For this week I will be showing off my favourite Christmas decorations from Next.

    First off is this bunting banner simply because iv never seen one before and I think it is super cute! £8

    Next are these baubles, the first are these plastic with bows and animal prints and tartan, what more do you need!
    Also these golden glittery reindeer which are £6
    And lastly I have chosen these simple snow flakes because it just isn't Christmas if there aren't snowflakes somewhere! these are also £6

    So that's its for Next not much jumped out at me really, so that's it for today, feel free to comment, follow and follow me on twitter! Thank you

    Wednesday, 3 December 2014

    Etsy Love

    This is a very random post which was defiantly not planned.

    Iv been in the process of a new project, and iv had a bit of trouble finding the things I need, and I had completely forgotten about Etsy but then I stumbled back across it and fell back in love. You can find anything you need on that site and much more, so thank you to everyone on Etsy for making my life much easier!

    I will be revealing my project soon so stick around to find out.

    Thanks for reading, feel free to comment and follow!

    Monday, 1 December 2014

    Christmas Decorations Wish List: M&S

    Christmas is nearly here, and one of the best parts is defiantly being able to dress up the house, so iv decide to make a decorations wish list of decorations iv seen that I really, REALLY want for my house, and each week I will upload decorations from a new store.

    In my house it has been a tradition for as long as I can remember to have a real Christmas tree, and not a small tree but I huge, HUGE tree, to the point we struggle to get through the door, also we decorate the rest of the house to the point where it looks like Santa decorated it himself, the ceiling is covered and the walls are covered. But now that me and my brother are older we are beginning to tone it down... I think

    This weeks store is M&S and here are my picks.

    First off are these baubles, there seems to be a white theme going on here... but look how cute these are.

    • The first one is called woodland heart and costs £3, I love how it is made of tree bark, it will add so much texture to the tree.
    • The next one is called Ceramic Squirrel, its a SQUIRRELL CHRISTMAS DECORATION, I doesn't get cuter than this. £4
    • Silver Sequin filled bauble, this will truly get you in the mood for party season. £2
    • White Pine Cone, its also very cute, and follows he whole woodland theme we have going on. £3
    • Lastly we have Woodland Layered Pine Cone, he layering just makes it so unique. £4

    Okay when I said lastly for the baubles, might of been misleading, because there may be more to follow.

    • To add colour to the tree I found this beautiful Red Berry Ball. £4
    • Also these felt woodland animals, which are perfect if you have children. £19.50
    • And of course we have to add a stocking to the list and this beautiful reindeer one was defiantly my favourite. £25

    And the last three things are decorations for the rooms instead of the tree,

    • First we have a wreath because when ever I see a Christmas movie, and in all of them they have wreaths on there doors so we are bringing some Hollywood film style magic into our homes this Christmas. £15
    • Next are there wooden letters that spell out Noel, and it adds to the woodland theme. £25
    • We all need, a Christmas cushion or teddy to help decorate the house, and my choice would be this All Is Calm And Bright cushion because it literally has Christmas all over it and its super festive. £9.50
    And best of all most of this is 3 for 2.

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