Saturday, 30 April 2016

Smoothie Saturday | April 2016

Hey guys how are you, I'm so close to the end of my first year at university; and I can't quite believe it. Here is this months smoothie saturday, I know I'm cutting it close. I would say that this is a more tropical smoothie, which is probably my favourite kind.

-1 passion fruit
-half a papya
-1 mango

I am loving making more simple smoothies, I find i they taste much better and mango and passion fruits are two of my favourite foods so I wanted the taste to stand out.

The bottle is from a Tiger

Thank you for reading

Sunday, 10 April 2016

March Favourites

Hey guys, how are you doing, I'm finally uploading my March favourites. At university at the moment I'm leaning about film theory and it much harder than it sounds. Anyway here are sat month favourites starting with hair and beauty.

Hair and beauty:
-Barry M Contour palette 
-Garnier Ultimate Blends, coconut oil and cocoa butter
Shampoo and conditioner 

Cactus Tee- New Look
White Skinny jeans- Boohoo
White Over sized knit jumper- H&M

Film and TV:
American Horror Story
Batman Vs Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Zara Home

 Kale Pesto pasta 
Rich tea Biscuits
Kale Pesto Pasta

These are the things iv been loving this month, to keep up with me follow me on instagram and twitter.

Thank you for reading.

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