Sunday, 8 January 2017

Travel Bucket List | 2017

Hey guys, its a new year so I thought that I would do an updated travel bucket list, I did one of them  last year but it was more of a general list of places to visit throughout my life so iv decided to do an updated one for this year.

This year I am keeping my list much less ambitious and sticking to the UK, I life in such a beautiful country and I want it explore it more, last year I was lucky enough to explore a lot of London, as well as Cornwall and before that Paris. Cornwall is beautiful and it definitely gave me more of an incentive to travel more of Britain, so hopefully in the coming months I will be heading out on some new adventures, journeys that I can shares with you all and also drag my housemates along,  so here is my list.


Some of these place that I have been before but either didn't get enough time to look around or I was too young to take it in. I have been wanting to Brighton, Oxford and Cambridge in particular for a while now so I think they will be where I visit first. Im also very excited to explore these places because they have castles and are steeped in history.

I hope you have enjoyed this post, follow me on social media to follow me on my adventures.
Thank you for reading


Friday, 6 January 2017

Lush Cosmetics | Ancient Stone Circles | AD / Gifted/ Collar

Hey guys, how has your January been so far? For me it's been stressful but thats not what I'm here to talk about.

Before Christmas I was invited to an event by ECC100 Records and Lush cosmetics showcasing Gorilla Perfumes new range Volume 2 and songs created to accompany them, the perfumes are visualised around ancient stone circles and the nature surrounding them, the website describing them as;
“a collection of perfumes inspired by prehistoric 
stone monuments and man's relationship with nature. 
A sensual experience combining fragrance and music in
 the beautiful Dorset countryside.” 

This was the first time I went to an event like this I was so nervous but the team who organised it and the other bloggers there made me feel welcome. The night kicked off with drinks and introductions then we were led into a cinema where John Metcalfe and Simon Richmond played the songs they has created to go along side the perfumes, along with some visuals on the big screen. All the while the different scents were passed around the room as the matching song played for them.

For me the scents were extremely strong, they really did fit the bill as being completely in one with nature, everything about them screamed earthy scents, but they are a bit to strong for me, I really struggle with to strongly smelling scents; especially floral ones. But the whole presentation of the perfumes and the music accompanying was amazing, they really are gorgeous scents whether I like them or not, and i'm sure a guy on the tube was wearing one the other day. If you like heady natural, floral scents then I would highly recommend these. As well as the perfumes we were also given a vinyl copy of the albums that go hand in hand with the perfumes, and I really love the songs, and the album art is gorgeous.

Thank you for reading. 


Monday, 2 January 2017

New Year, New Brushes: Spectrum

Well 2017 is over - Happy new year guys, 2016 passed by in a flash and I'm sure it is a year many want to forget. For the most part I'm stand with the people who want to forget, but 2016 did bring some opportunities with it and helped boost my confidence in some ways. But 2017 is here and its not going well for me so far, but lets forget about that and get to the real reason we are here... New makeup brushes.

If you follow me in instagram you will know that  I am subscribed to Birchbox and a few months ago I received a makeup brush and sponge from spectrum and iv been in love with them ever since. With the sales in full swing I decided I would have a browse through Spectrum's site and grab a few new brushes ready for the year ahead. I'm guessing that people love these brushes to as a lot of them were sold out but I did manage to pick up a few.

I bought:
-A07 - Stubby Shader
-A18 - Oval Concealer
-A19 - Fine Detailer
-B02 - Domed Buffer
-B03 - Baby Buffer
-B06 - Tall Tapered Blender
-C05 - Small Domed Contour

As I said before I love these brushes, they are such good quality, super soft and they don't shed. Spectrums do a large range of brushes with gorgeous designs and I'm hoping to buy some of the collections at great prices; I recomend these brushes to anyone and everyone.
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