Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Forever 21 OOTD

Hey guys,
I know Iv been absent most of the month but its been pretty hectic for me, iv been sorting out stuff for when I go to uni, it seriously took like five hours for me to sort out my student finance and sort out accommodation. There was a plus side though I got to go out and buy most of my homeware things, which is really exciting!

So as summer comes around so does festival season and every brand or store has plenty of clothing to suit the trend and when I saw some of the things Forever 21 had to offer, I couldn't not show you.
So to start off I picked this gorgeous blue patterned swing dress with bell sleeves and a cute cut out on the back.
Next is this black swing dress with crochet sleeves, I also think you can get this in white.

I picked out a few different pieces of jewellery, because well a girl needs options, and some of these picks are unique but still suit the 'festival' look! I especially love the two necklaces and the gold textured rings.

For these shoes I went more simple because you don't want overload the look and you need to be comfortable if your on your feet all day.

The leather bag pack will work with both dresses and make a statement.
Iv added the knee high sock because I am seeing them everywhere, they are super cute, simple and they just pull the outfit together.

Medallion Print Bell-Sleeve Dress £10.50
Crochet Sleeve Babydoll Dress £12.25
Frosted Ring Set £3.15
Tasseled Arrow Charm Necklace £5
Crystal Pendant Layered Necklace £5
Over the knee socks pack of 2 £7.50
Etched Faux Stone Ring Set £3.50
Triangle Ring set £3.50
zippered faux leather booties £14.70
Faux leather draw sting backpack £25

Everything is from Forever 21, I hope you liked this post, feel free to check me out on social media!

Thanks for reading


Saturday, 11 April 2015

Smoothie Saturday

Happy Saturday people, how are you guys?

Iv been starting my garden projects and while I was in the garden I really fancied some ice cream so I decided to go one better and make a milkshake float. You know like a coke float but with fresh made milk shake and it tasted so good. Here is the recipe for this summery treat.

Handful of strawberries
handful of raspberries
almond milk
ice cubes
Vanilla ice cream
Frozen blueberries

I hope you guys enjoyed this, it is super creamy, its healthier than a coke float and also filling.

Thanks for reading, feel free to comment and follow me on social media!


Saturday, 4 April 2015

Smoothie Saturday | Simple Summer Smoothie

As I write this the sun is trying to push through the clouds and speed light throughout the kitchen, so I am glad that I made a summer berry smoothie because is England is trying, I should probably try too.


  • a cup of strawberries half frozen, half fresh
  • half a cup of blue berries
  • a cup of blackberries half fresh, half frozen
  • a handful of frozen mango chunks
  • handful of red grapes
  • a tea spoon of honey
  • 200ml of water
So like I said super simple its like a juice, I wanted to add almond milk and yogurt but I forgot to buy them when I went shopping, and my banana weren't ripe enough so I didn't add one because I'm a ripe banana kinda girl.

With this being super simple you can easily add so many ingredients to amp up this recipe, so have fun!!
Thank you for reading guys! 


Friday, 3 April 2015

Garden Project | Ideas For This Year

Welcome back to garden projects! Last year I wrote a post of a few things I was going to be growing in my garden and some projects I wanted to do once our patio was built and in the end the patio never got built.

But this year I'm not going to let this stop me, I'm going persist any way and grow, grow, grow... I hope.

Last year I grow some strawberries, potatoes, also I began to grow a pineapple and if you follow me on instgram you will have seen Penelope (the pineapple) growing away in my kitchen read to plant outside when the weather is better.

As you know I am into making smoothies so I want to grow some spinach and kale, as well as a herb garden because I love trying new flavours in my food. Strawberries and potatoes will obviously be making an appearance again. Hopefully I want to try to grow some other berry bushes which I have never grown before so I'm not expecting a high yield.

Im not being stupidly ambitious because I'm heading off to university this year so I can't afford to be spending all my money on the garden when I have so much more things to buy.

I love to grow my own fruit and vegetables because it is so satisfying to see the progress as well as using them in my own recipes, it can save money but also I know what is going into my food if I have grown it.

I hope I can inspire you to begin to grow your own, so stick with my guys

Thanks for reading, I will be keeping you updated.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Review: Makeup Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 3

I have been doing a lot of reviews recently haven't I? Well prepare for another as I review one of my favourite recent purchaseS.

Today I will be reviewing the Makeup Revolution  Redemption Palette Iconic 3.

So to make this clear from the beginning of this post I absolutely love this palette. I had been seeing lots of people saying good things about this brand and knew I had to check it out, unfortunately my local super drug doesn't have the biggest range of their products but now I have seen the quality I will be buying straight from the website from now on.

I decided to go for the more pink toned palette because it was so beautiful and I lack pink toned palette, this palette is great for going from day to night looks. Three matte shades as well as shimmer and pearlised shades, starting with a matte cream and ending with a shimmering deep purple.

These colours are so pigmented, some off the pinks are super soft and can easily be contoured with a darker colour and they last throughout the day. There is very little fall out with these shadows and they blend together so well.

And now for the best part it is only £4!!! £4 that is ridiculous, for a palette this good you would expect it to be so much more so go buy it and so much more!!!


I can't wait to try out more Makeup Revolution products.

Thanks for reading.


Wednesday, 1 April 2015

March Favourites

How is it April already?!?!
I hope you have all had a good month. So here are my favourites for March.


  • Toothy Tabs from Lush, I have been using Aquatic and so far I have loved using them.
  • Maybelline Dream Touch Lumi Concealer, I love using this to brighten up my face.
  • Jungle Solid Conditioner also from Lush.

  • I have been listening to Mcfly's early albums
  • Justin Timberlake
  • Primark
  • Lush
  • Milka Tuc bars
  • FreshFitBeauty
What Maise Knew
Gaurdians Of The Galaxy

Nothing to exciting this month but these are the things iv been loving, I hope this next month is good for you guys.

Thanks for reading!!
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