Saturday, 4 April 2015

Smoothie Saturday | Simple Summer Smoothie

As I write this the sun is trying to push through the clouds and speed light throughout the kitchen, so I am glad that I made a summer berry smoothie because is England is trying, I should probably try too.


  • a cup of strawberries half frozen, half fresh
  • half a cup of blue berries
  • a cup of blackberries half fresh, half frozen
  • a handful of frozen mango chunks
  • handful of red grapes
  • a tea spoon of honey
  • 200ml of water
So like I said super simple its like a juice, I wanted to add almond milk and yogurt but I forgot to buy them when I went shopping, and my banana weren't ripe enough so I didn't add one because I'm a ripe banana kinda girl.

With this being super simple you can easily add so many ingredients to amp up this recipe, so have fun!!
Thank you for reading guys! 


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