Sunday, 16 August 2015

Clear Skin Challenge: New Products I'm Using

Im a week into this challenge and so far I think its going well, or at least it started off well...
I was eaten healthy at the start and it went down hill from there, I also haven't been drinking water which doesn't help.

I always see people talking about eating healthy to help keep your skin clear, and to an extent I believed it but didn't think it would have a massive impact. Oh how I was wrong! Im a self-confessed chocolate eating, crisp munching, coke drinking addict. But I have been eating pretty healthy for a few weeks so I it helped my skin and when that began to go down hill and I wanted to eat everything in sight (hormones right? But not that time of the month) my skin changed.

I got more blemished and my dark circles got darker. But I have bought some more skiing care products that I feel helped so here is my list.

  • Nivea Daily Essentials Sensitive Cleansing Milk
  • Nivea Daily Essentials Soothing Cleansing Mousse
  • Nivea Daily Essentials Gentle Cleansing Cream Wash
  • Simple Kind To Skin Replenishing Rich Moisturiser
As you can see most of it was Nivea which was totally accidental, I bought them on separate occasions from different stores, whenever I was walking past skin care I could just feel myself been draw to them, which I'm glad of because these are amazing for your skin.

These products are so gentle for your skin but I think they make a big different and I now live by them.

For the simple moisturiser I chose this because I have the simp foaming cleaners and the day cream, both of which I love, and I wanted something that wasn't going to be full chemicals and irritate my skin but works with the other products I have so it was a no brainer.

From these pictures (I'm sorry they are blurry) you can see most of my blemishes have gone down and I just need to stop the scarring, also try and reduce the redness around my nose. 

I have no idea why this is the wrong way.

From these pictures (I'm sorry they are blurry) you can see most of my blemishes have gone down and I just need to stop the scarring, also try and reduce the redness around my nose. 

If you guys know any products to help with scarring then please comment or tell me on social media all of my links are at the side.

*also I will be doing more in-depth reviews of the new products I have bought.

Thank you for reading!

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Clear Skin Challenge

My skin has slowly been getting worse over the past 8 or so months, I think I was quite lucky as a young teen because I was a 'late bloomer' so it wasn't until my later teens where my skin began to change. I will look at my self everyday and be annoyed about by skin but then did nothing about it, but now I'm changing my ways!

Today I will be starting my own Clear Skin Challenge, I feel if I turn it into a challenge and document what it is I'm doing then I will be more likely to stick to it.

I will be documenting food that I eat as well as skin care products that I use and any products I use I will write a seperate review for! Iv got my filofax ready and it is now dedicated to this challenge so I can fill it in each day.

I have some 'before' pictures to show and I will add on after pictures in14 days.

These first pictures I took in my bathroom the lighting is just the sun through the window and no other lighting. 

And these last two are taken at night before bed with the bathroom light on.

As you can see my skin isn't ridiculously bad or out of hand but I have many trouble points.

I would say I have dry-combination skin, and as I'm getting older my skin is getting more on the dry side but then it will flip and become really oily. I have a lot of redness around my nose and at the moment I have one of those spots that grow huge, are really red and is really painful so I'm excited to see what products work to help that.

I have really dark under eye circles and on my left side it is slightly puffy like iv been crying and the right is generally flat darker. The area under my cheek bone is getting worse, I never usually got spots there before but now I do I like to call it 'contouring with acne'. As for my skin tone, I have medium-olive skin and my face is the palest part of my body, and I have really uneven skin tone, a lot of the times I will have ashy grey areas that look like death warmed up or yellow tones.

So there is the low down on my skin, lets see if I can change it! I hope you guys stick around to see it out.

Thanks for reading.

 Ps. I look happy in my pictures right!?!? I really hate having pictures taken sorry guys.


Saturday, 1 August 2015

July Favourites

July is over already at the speed this year is going it will be christmas tomorrow. I hope you've all had a lovely month, here are my July favourites.

Gillete Venus  Satin Care Sensitive Skin Shave Gel
Illamasqua Eyebrow Cake in Thunder
Black full leg dungarees from Primark (£17)
Tan Chelsea boots from ASOS (£20)

New Look
The Works
WH Smiths

One Direction- Four (full album)

The Lake House
Southpaw - Jake Gyllenhaal kills it in that film, go check it out.
Hot in Cleveland (newly Discovered)

Full english breakfast,  I may indulged myself every once in a while.
Home cooked chips

Alexa Chung It

Alexa Chung

Lily Melrose
Becca Rose

Disney Goofy Tsum Tsum, I love this little guy.

As you can probably tell since iv finished college I have had a little more time to indulged myself with junk food and TV, I haven't really left the house so not many beauty things.

I hope you enjoyed this post and that August is awesome for you guys
Thanks for reading!
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