Saturday, 8 August 2015

Clear Skin Challenge

My skin has slowly been getting worse over the past 8 or so months, I think I was quite lucky as a young teen because I was a 'late bloomer' so it wasn't until my later teens where my skin began to change. I will look at my self everyday and be annoyed about by skin but then did nothing about it, but now I'm changing my ways!

Today I will be starting my own Clear Skin Challenge, I feel if I turn it into a challenge and document what it is I'm doing then I will be more likely to stick to it.

I will be documenting food that I eat as well as skin care products that I use and any products I use I will write a seperate review for! Iv got my filofax ready and it is now dedicated to this challenge so I can fill it in each day.

I have some 'before' pictures to show and I will add on after pictures in14 days.

These first pictures I took in my bathroom the lighting is just the sun through the window and no other lighting. 

And these last two are taken at night before bed with the bathroom light on.

As you can see my skin isn't ridiculously bad or out of hand but I have many trouble points.

I would say I have dry-combination skin, and as I'm getting older my skin is getting more on the dry side but then it will flip and become really oily. I have a lot of redness around my nose and at the moment I have one of those spots that grow huge, are really red and is really painful so I'm excited to see what products work to help that.

I have really dark under eye circles and on my left side it is slightly puffy like iv been crying and the right is generally flat darker. The area under my cheek bone is getting worse, I never usually got spots there before but now I do I like to call it 'contouring with acne'. As for my skin tone, I have medium-olive skin and my face is the palest part of my body, and I have really uneven skin tone, a lot of the times I will have ashy grey areas that look like death warmed up or yellow tones.

So there is the low down on my skin, lets see if I can change it! I hope you guys stick around to see it out.

Thanks for reading.

 Ps. I look happy in my pictures right!?!? I really hate having pictures taken sorry guys.


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