Monday, 23 June 2014


I was hoping to put a new blog up everyday last week, but the week turned out to be very stressful, so Thursday was the last day I uploaded! I'm so sorry about that, even though I haven't been writing, I have been checking up on my blog, and my views have been slowly going up, without me posting on social media sites. Seeing that makes me really happy, and I was wondering are some of you people coming back to read new posts or are you all new readers?

I'd also like to say hi to all my Russian readers, who seem to always pop up in my stats!

I finish college on Wednesday, which means I shall hopefully upload a new post that night or the morning after.

That was just a quick update to say I'm sorry for the lack of posts, I'd like to thank you all for reading my blog!

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Turkey Table Tennis!

Looking through pictures on my laptop, I came across some pictures from when I was in Turkey last year, and some of my favourite pictures are playing table tennis on one of the last nights, with my best friends brother.

It was in a restaurant right on the see front, and over our heads there was a canopy covered in grape vines, there were even bunches of grapes hanging down.

Grape vines

I'm wearing: Playsuit Primark
Denim shirt New Look
Shoes Primark
before we started playing we had eaten at the restaurant next door, and I had chosen a chicken meal (that I cant remember the name of but it tasted so good) I'm not sure what they put in there rice over there but it tastes so good!

Its a week on Sunday until I go again and I'm super excited! I'll keep you update!



Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Face mask!

I love using new face products, such as face masks and cleansers, but I also like to try out simple, natural, home made products, this is because they aren't chemical based which makes them much healthier for your skin!

I am going to make a honey and lemon face mask the reason I chose this is because one of the benefits of this mask is to help with sun spots and I thought this will be a great mask to use after I get back from Turkey.
This product is super simple and easy to make:
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 2 table spoons of honey 
Spread it over your face, avoiding your eyes and also any broken skin, because it will sting.
Leave on your face for 10-20 minutes

Once the mask has been on for about 20 minutes I gently buffed it in to my face with an exfoliating brush, before I cleaned my face with a gentle daily cleanser to make sure the mixture was all off  my face, I then patted my face dry.
After I used the Simple Toner, then put my eye cream on before going to bed.

After using this mask for the first time I was quite happy with the results, it reduced the redness of my spots and left my skin super soft, it didn't reduce redness around my nose because I am ill and keep needing to use tissues but, I have some of the mask left so I'm going to carry on using them over the next few days to see if there are any more results, but so far I am loving this super simple mixture.


Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Apple smothie

As iv said before I'm trying to eat healthy, and I'm not going to lie too you when I say I am sitting here drinking a can of coke. But I have been making small changes to my diet, because before when I have tried to eat healthy I cut all junk food frim my diet and that just made me want them more. So instead I am taking small steps.

I have began making myself smoothie's, this is because, are quick and easy to make, you can decide what you want to use and what amounts, also they are super tasty! The first smoothie I made was apple and avocado, and I loved it, so here is the recipe I used:

1 apple cored and skinned (any apple of your choice)
1/2  ripe avocado
1/2 cup apple juice
1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lime

Now I can sit here and tell you what I put in and how healthy it is, but I believe it would be much better for you to actual know what the health benefits of this smoothie are.

Apple- provides fibre and the plant nutrient pectin, which can help lower cholesterol, can help prevent cancer, helps to boost your immune system.

Avocado-Good source of fibre, contains on average 4 grams of protein, vitamins k,b5, b6, folate and potassium and soluble vitamin E. Folate helps protect the heart and prevent strokes, also lowers cholesterol, can help prevent against eye disease and also some cancers!

So silly me forgot to take a picture of the smoothie but take it from me it was delicious!

Monday, 16 June 2014

Trouser Love!

Quite recently I have be loving trousers more and more, over the last few years I have mostly stuck to skinny jeans, but now I'm venturing more in to trousers, so after looking around I have decided to dedicate this post to my new found love for trousers!

H&M... and that is all I have to say! I absolutely love that shop, the clothes are really well made, are designed well and at great prices, so after looking at there website I instantly fell in love, so here are a few of my choices.

Iv started with these because they are orange, which is my favourite colour. But other than that I love how these are fitted, because they are slightly baggy, which will make them super comfortable but also they will keep you a little bit cooler in the summer, rather than wearing skinny fitted trousers. I think these could be used as part of a casual outfit but could be dressed up if needed.

Love the pattern
 I saw these and at first I didn't know what to make of them but after looking at the patterned zoomed in slightly my love for them grew. usually wearing blue trousers isn't something that comes into my mind, but now I'm a bit more opened minded when it comes to colour, also the pattern is so cute, it looks like small leaves, with lighter blue specks around them, I like how baggy they are and think they will be perfect for a summers night.

Animal Print!

Having a few pairs of black leggings in your wardrobe is a must but after stumbling across these I began thinking how good these would look with a plain to and a bit of jewellery, which would be a very simple and casual look for day to day life.
Now when I saw these I immediately knew that I needed to put these treggins in this post! These look like a pair of black jeans from the back, but then the front is covered in sparkling sequin's, they are just so beautiful and that is all I have to say about that!

  • Zebra Jersey Leggins £12.99
  • Treggings £29.99
  • Blue Patterned Trousers £14.99
  • Cow Print Jersey Leggings £9.99
  • Orange Trousers £19.99
So that's all for this post


Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Summer Date Night

So before I jump into my new post I just wanted to say thank you to all the people around the world, who are checking out my blog, iv got tonsillitis and have had to take some time away from my blog to do some college work as its the end of the year, so to come back on and see that people from the USA, Russia, Germany, Spain, Malaysia and the Netherlands are reading the stuff I write, so thank you all so much!

Because iv been a bit lax lately, I think I might start doing more scheduled posts, so that while I finish my last few weeks at college, there is still stuff going up on my blog!

Okay enough boring stuff on with the post...
The weather is heating up finally, so I decided to look for a perfect date night outfit.

I love all of the small details!
I picked out the dress from Miss Selfridge, I love the skater style because it is so easy to dress up or down to fit the date, also the sheer panel adds a little bit of detail to this dress, because the dress is basic I decided to add details within the accessories, first things first I love the earrings because they are small and subtle but still have a lot of detail to them. Next is the boots, these are perfect for a date because they are sturdy but still very girly and aren't to high, which makes them perfect for any date, also I love the gold buckle and added gold detailing. I thought the bag was super cute to take on a date because its small and can fit in the essentials that you need, also the flap has gorgeous floral lace detail and a gold clasp to match everything else! Lastly is the jacket, I loved the fact that it has a suede body but leather sleeves, now even though the sun is out, it doesn't mean that it will stay that way so the jacket is also an essential for a date night in the UK!

  • Jacket £22.99 H&M
  • Boots £20 New look (on sale)
  • Earrings £1.99 H&M
  • Dress £39.99 Miss Selfridge
  • Bag £15.99 New Look
Thanks for reading, I will hopefully  be adding more blog posts, but I wont make any promises because I still have a lot of college work to do.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Healthy Snack!

Iv been trying to eat healthy and work out, because I'm not going to lie, I am probably one of the most unhealthy people. I don't plan meals ahead so usually eat junk food to keep me going because junk food is the most accessible food, but a lot of the time it doesn't keep me full very long!

So iv decided to look up some healthy snack recipes to make in advance, to take to college or just when I'm out and about.

The first think I decided to make was some protein balls which literally take about ten minutes to make and you don't have to bake them, also there are plenty of things you can add to vary the recipe! These snacks are also full of protein and fibre.

Protein Balls and stars!

So I decided to make some stars (which adds to the time, but I did have the time) but then I got bored making the stars so I went back to balls!

Here's the recipe:
1 cup of oats
1/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa
1/2 cup of peanut butter
1/4 cup of honey
Those are the basic ingredient's, try to find 100% peanut butter or as close as you can get without any added extras! When I made mine I used 2 tablespoons of chocolate hazelnut spread, which I know goes against healthy but, when I made these I didn't have any cocoa powder and it was late at night when I made these so I couldn't go and buy any!

Like I said before there are also lots of additional things you can add:
Protein power (I added half a cup of vanilla powder)
chocolate chips
honey comb
coconut flakes
dried fruit
nuts and plenty more!

I know that not all of them are healthy but what iv learnt from trying to eat healthy is that if you try to completely put a stop to something or try to change the routine all at once you are more likely to slip up, so if you add these things its okay if you do it in moderation!

My brother got home from the gym after I had finished making them and was the first to try the recipe and he loved them, he says they are like snickers but healthier and easier to eat.

I will be uploading more healthy treats soon as well as well what I do to work out and keep fit, I'm not saying these are the perfect ways to stay healthy or the best ways to do them, but I thought I would put up my tips and advice!

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Walk With Me!

At the moment the weather in England, can't decide what it wants to do from one minute to the next. Where I live there isn't a lot of things to do, so me and my friends walk, just walk! And the other day we went to see some horses that live near the canal and I couldn't help but take some pictures!

These got so close!

Walking down the stairs was easy enough, but getting back up them...

Walking Storm

Beautiful, cygnets

 So not much to say really other than how beautiful are the horses and foals! Over the next few weeks I will be posting a review of The Vamps new album 'Meet The Vamps' also I will be writing a blog on the One Direction and McBusted concerts I went to!


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