Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Face mask!

I love using new face products, such as face masks and cleansers, but I also like to try out simple, natural, home made products, this is because they aren't chemical based which makes them much healthier for your skin!

I am going to make a honey and lemon face mask the reason I chose this is because one of the benefits of this mask is to help with sun spots and I thought this will be a great mask to use after I get back from Turkey.
This product is super simple and easy to make:
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 2 table spoons of honey 
Spread it over your face, avoiding your eyes and also any broken skin, because it will sting.
Leave on your face for 10-20 minutes

Once the mask has been on for about 20 minutes I gently buffed it in to my face with an exfoliating brush, before I cleaned my face with a gentle daily cleanser to make sure the mixture was all off  my face, I then patted my face dry.
After I used the Simple Toner, then put my eye cream on before going to bed.

After using this mask for the first time I was quite happy with the results, it reduced the redness of my spots and left my skin super soft, it didn't reduce redness around my nose because I am ill and keep needing to use tissues but, I have some of the mask left so I'm going to carry on using them over the next few days to see if there are any more results, but so far I am loving this super simple mixture.


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