Thursday, 19 June 2014

Turkey Table Tennis!

Looking through pictures on my laptop, I came across some pictures from when I was in Turkey last year, and some of my favourite pictures are playing table tennis on one of the last nights, with my best friends brother.

It was in a restaurant right on the see front, and over our heads there was a canopy covered in grape vines, there were even bunches of grapes hanging down.

Grape vines

I'm wearing: Playsuit Primark
Denim shirt New Look
Shoes Primark
before we started playing we had eaten at the restaurant next door, and I had chosen a chicken meal (that I cant remember the name of but it tasted so good) I'm not sure what they put in there rice over there but it tastes so good!

Its a week on Sunday until I go again and I'm super excited! I'll keep you update!



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