Monday, 18 August 2014

Healthy Snacks

Banana & Peanut Butter Milkshake With Banana And Strawberry Frozen Yogurt

Disclaimer- iv decided to post a few  recipes every now and again which I have tried, I am in no way shape or form a top class chef or a baker, what I am making is just some fun recipes that I wanted to try, so they won't be perfect, be presented perfect and some might go wrong! I am just trying to make food that is easy, simple, can be made on a budget and can also be made using things from around the house!

The first thing I made was a banana and peanut butter smoothie! You will realise that I make a lot of things with banana in because I have a huge amount of bananas that I need to use.

1 banana
1 tbsp. of peanut butter
100ml of almond milk (you can use any milk, I used almond as I am intolerant to cows milk)

First I split the banana into chunks and put that in to a jug and add a tbsp of peanut butter, blend that first and make it as smooth as you can and then add 100ml of milk.

Because this recipe is so simple you can add or deduct the amount of ingredients if you want.
Strawberry And Banana Frozen Yogurt:

2 bananas
1 cup of chopped strawberries
1/2 cup of yogurt
first I chopped up the bananas and strawberries in to smaller chunks then put them in to a bowl and blended together, I didn't blend until it was smoothie because I want to keep the texture.
next I add the yogurt and mixed it in with spoon, then put it into a tub and then put it in the freezer.
This recipe is also very simple to make and you can also change the ingredients if you want. I want to make fairly simple recipes this week which can be made on a budget, because i'm a college so I know budgeting can be hard, also I want to make simple foods for any parents who want easy snacks to through together for there children or simple foods to make with the kids.
I hope you enjoy the recipes.

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