Saturday, 16 August 2014

Smoothie Saturday!!!

Okay be for I start I just want to say sorry to all my readers! I know that my posts have been few and far between, because I have had some problems in my personal life which left me in a non writing mood. I wrote a few posts in a notebook which I was going to but one is a haul which is a few weeks old so I don't know if I will post it, but if you guys want to see it then just ask!

Although I have been writing up posts lately I have had plenty of ideas which I have put into a list ready for when i'm feeling up to it and my writers block has left on his holidays! And one idea iv had is Smoothie Saturday, lately I have been trying to live by a healthier lifestyle and making smoothie's is something I enjoy doing so I thought I would post the recipes for the smoothie's I have made.

 Pineapple and Kiwi

1 banana
2 kiwi
1/2 a cup of frozen pineapple
1 handful of spinach
100ml of pineapple juice

To make:
First I blended the spinach and pineapple juice,
the added the banana and kiwi which I had to cut into chunks
then I the frozen pineapple, and lastly I added two raspberries on top!

I know that making smoothie's isn't rocket science but I have a handheld blender which isn't very good at blending all fruit and veg or frozen things so I had to cut everything in chunks first and add the frozen pineapple because I had to wait for them to slightly defrost first.

I'm looking around at the moment for some nice glasses or jars which I can put the smoothie's in to make these posts look a little prettier than the rubbish pictures you will be getting for the next few weeks, so sorry about that guys!

I know that this has been a rambling post but I wanted to update you guys and put up a quick post, thanks for reading.




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