Saturday, 28 February 2015

Smoothie Saturday

So this week I am going for a green smoothie!! Its jam packed with, well green stuff... this is going down hill heres the recipe.

1 apple
a handful of spinach
1 tsp of honey
100ml of greek yogurt
1/2 cup of green tea (not boiling, we don't want a cooked smoothie)
half a cucumber
juice of half a lime

There you have it just blend away, this smoothie will help you stay energised, it is full of vitamins, iron and calcium, oh and not forgetting fibre!!

Hope you guys like this one thanks for reading.

Follow me on Instagram and Twitter if you want to know whats coming up on my blog.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Smoothie Saturday!!

So this is what i'm calling my "muddle mix" I was going to have an apple and kiwi smoothie but it ended up with so much more ingredients!

1 Apple
2 Kiwi's
1 Banana
A handful of frozen pineapple
A handful of frozen peach
1 tbspn of milled flax seed
150ml of water

I say this is a muddle mix because I was going to make a simple smoothie but when I went to the freezer I realised that there was only 2 ice cubes left and I left them because I know my brother would want it for his protein shake, but then I stumbled across the frozen fruit I completely forgot I had!!!

It doesn't look like the most appetizing smoothie in the world but it tastes amazing and smells like a sweet shop perfect for when you have a sugary craving, I hope you guys enjoy it!

Thanks for reading
P.s I just remembered that I used a ripe banana not a fresh store bought one.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Smoothie Saturday

This week iv gone for a simple, but tropical blend!

1 mango
300ml of coconut water
juice of one lemon

I'm kind of in love with coconut water at the moment and I love lemon and mango on there own so it was only a matter of time before the three came together!

What are your favourite blends? Feel free to comment and follow.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

TK Maxx Wishlist

For the last couple of days I have been snooping around the TK Maxx website, I prefer to go into store myself because you can always find a gem to take away but the weather hasn't been to good so iv stayed indoors and tried my luck with their site... I was not disappointed.

First I saw a this dress which reminds me of the 1920's (which is probably one of my favourite fashion periods) this dress is a cream with floral lace detail, this is a loose straight fitted dress with a long fringe around the bottom hem.

I also love this check shirt, because everyone needs a check shirt right? I don't have a red one yet either.

Oh look another check shirt this time green.

Hahaha ha haha... well heres another check shirt that seems to have snuck its way onto my wish list, and you may be thinking you have two green ones now but oh no this one is emerald green so its darker, yep thats my excuse and its cheaper.

On to homeware.

I saw these amazing cushions I love cushions, I'm not entirely sure why but they add so much to a room and show off your personality.

First I have this white and blue ink stain because its so unique iv never seen one like it.

I love this Aztec Print on because of the colour.

Lastly for the cushions I have this black and white coast one, I love to travel so it made sense to me but also because of the orange around the outside, yes orange is my weakness.

I found these amazing candles, because of there unique shape they will add so much to any room they are in and they can be reused once they have finished burning.

Finally for homeware this amazing silver tray, I don't even know what I would use it for but its so pretty.
Navy- Cream Lace Dress £19.99
Innocence Red/Green Check shirt £12.99
Innocence Emerald Check Shirt £12.99
Raine & Humble Ink Stain Cushion £12.99
Raine & Humble Aztec Cushion £16.99
Paolette Coast Cushion £14.99
White Shabby Sheek Floral Mirrow Tray £9.99
Illume Candles £9.99

So this is my current TK Maxx wish list, Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

OOTD: Bald Statement Outfit

This is my first outfit post using clothing of mine I think, but I've been looking through my things trying to work out what I want to take to university and thought of this outfit and had to blog it.

I went with quite a bold look with character tights paired with statement necklace, military style jacket and faux leather slip ons.

  • Jumper - Primark £5
  • Jacket - Primark £15
  • Shoes - Peacocks £12
  • Necklace - New Look £7.99 
  • Tights - Primark £4
  • Skirt - Miss Selfridge (I had this for christmas 2 years ago) I'm sure you can pick up skirts like this.
I hope you like this sort of post. Thanks for reading


Monday, 9 February 2015

Teen Talk: Peer Pressure

I believe that peer pressure is a very important topic, because it can become dangerous. Some people see peer pressure as "oh they are just having fun" which may be the case sometimes, but often peer pressure can result in mental and physical harm!

I'm a 19 year old female, and many people my age go out every weekend, drink which is absolutely fine for them. But I don't enjoy that, being in those types of social situations usually result in me feeling very uncomfortable and having a panic attack. Although people around me know this, my friends will still try and force me to do things i'm really quite scared of and it usually goes something like this "why don't you drink, come on don't be boring, why won't you come to the party or uptown, god your such a saddo. Now over the years I have got much better at saying no which is something we all need to learn.

Don't get me wrong I still find it hard to say no to people and social situations get me very anxious so saying no is still a problem but iv learn't over the years to say no more and more.

Other than drinking which is something I say no to if I don't feel comfortable where I am or who i'm with, I have been pushed in to other things such as smoking when I was 13 (I only did it the once) and other smaller thing that might seem small to others but it is peer pressure no the less.

  • Drinking
  • Smoking
  • Bullying
  • Intamacy with others
At first I didn't see bullying as peer pressure, but when thinking back I can't recall situations where people have joined in when bullying somebody because the bullies told them to and they are scared of retaliation coming to them.

Sometimes peer pressure could come in the smallest form that you wouldn't perceive as peer pressure, such as "I dare you to ride your skateboard down that hill or eat that" and it might not seem bad but if you are thinking to yourself, is it against the law? Do I really want to do this?  

If the answer is "no I don't want to do this" then remove yourself from the situation, and if it is going to course harm to you or others tell your parents. Also if it is a 'friend' telling you to do these things then maybe they aren't the healthiest person to be friends with. 

I have some links here that could also help.

I hope this helps some of you guys, feel free to comment if you need somebody to talk to.


Sunday, 8 February 2015

Super Chocolatety Brownies

So I was in the mood for baking the other day but wasn't sure what to make so I went for every bodies favourite and made some brownies, I am so sorry if you guys are trying to eat healthy because this recipe will throw you off the wagon.

175g of dark chocolate
3 tbspn of coco powder
175g butter
3 medium eggs
250g caster sugar
75g plain flour
as many chocolate chips as you can handle


  • Grease a 20 square/rectangle cake tin and preheat the oven to 180 degrees/ gas mark 4
  • First melt the butter and chocolate in a bowl over a saucepan of boiling water, stir regularly
  • Next whisk the eggs and sugar together in a separate bowl until creamy.
  • In another separate bowl sieve the flour and coco powder 
  • Once the chocolate is melted leave it to cool slightly before adding sugar and eggs (you don't want to cook the eggs to soon)
  • Mix the chocolate, butter, sugar and eggs together until they are smooth
  • Once the other ingredients are mixed together fold in the flour and coco powder.
  • Than add in chocolate chips to your hearts content
  • Spoon into the cake tin and put them in the over for around 20 minutes
  • Once out of the oven leave to cool so you don't burn yourselves on the chocolatety goodness.

Thanks for reading

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Smoothie Saturday

This week I have made a green smoothie, which is a super tangy kiwi and mango drink!

1 mango
2 kiwi's
a handful of kale
250ml coconut water

This is one of the best iv made in a while, hope you guys like it too.


Friday, 6 February 2015

Winter Walk

Like many people today I spend most of my time using technology, in college I'm on computers or using some other form of tech (I'm a film student) and when I get home I am forever using my laptop and phone.

I used to walk all the time but lately I stay cooped up in doors, so I decided to talk a walk to clear my head.
Walking, feeding the ducks

feeding the ducks




Thursday, 5 February 2015

Illamasqua Multi Facet Palette Review

Last week I was innocently browsing through twitter when a tweet advertising Illamaqua's sale caught my eye. Time jumps forward 15 minutes and I am elbow deep in the glittery waters of Illamaqua's website where I bought the Multi Facet Palette in Semblance.

The Multi Facet palettes are limited edition. Semblance is more suited to darker skin tones while Aura is more suited to lighter tones.

This palette was ordered with next day delivery,  it was packaged  really well with no damage what so ever, always a plus side when looking to order online.

Packaged inside a beautiful black and gold box comes the sleek back compacts, it doesn't have the concave shape which Illamasqua products don, but the packaging is still beautiful, with the name and logo lightly embossed on the front.

This compact is the perfect size for travelling, and the versatility of the products inside means you don't have to carry a bunch of extra products with you where ever you go.

This palette comes with

  • Cream pigment in Hollow
  • New Gleam in Mirage
  • Eyebrow cake in Thunder
  • Powder Blusher in Hussy
  • Four different eyeshadows in Slink, Dizzy, Tango and Obsidian
  • Double ended brush
Illamsqua reviewillamasqua review

Hollow can also double up as an eyeshadow base, while Obsidian can also
be used as an eyeliner.

This natural palette is surprisingly versatile as you can have a more toned down daytime look or you can easily change to a smokey eye.

I almost didn't do swatches for this palette because it was so pretty I didn't want to ruin it, but I pushed on. The contour and highlight are super creamy and so smooth to apply, the contour is buildable. All the powders are super pigmented and also build able

I'm super happy that I bought this, it helped with my winter blues and helped me feel better during the snowy downpour. 

illamasqua semblance review 2015illamasqua semblance review


Monday, 2 February 2015

New Make Up Revolution Eye Palette

OMG I so excited about the new Make Up Revolution Mermaids Vs Unicorns eye palette the colours go from pale green/blue through to purple/black. Although I haven't bought it yet... YET it looks super pigmented.
Make up swatch

Think of all the looks you could do with the palette!!

Best of all it is just £4 OMG!!!!

make up revolution review

Will anybody else be buying this?

make up revolution review
Feel free to comment or follow.

Thanks for reading


Sunday, 1 February 2015

January Favourites

Iv decided to start doing monthly favourite posts, so here are my favourites for January.

  • Zoella Fizz bar, this bar is genius I don't know why having a bar of breakable chunks has never been done before and it smells so god damn good.

  • Next up are scrunchies, simply because they are a simple but cute way to add to an outfit.

  • Maybelline Baby Lips in Hydrate, this stuff is getting my lips through the winter

  • Coconut water, iv never tried it before but now it goes into all my smoothies

  • Soap & Glory The Rightous Butter, also getting me through the winter and iv you have used it before then you will know the formula is bouncy to the touch and I love it.

  • Bleach London Balayage Kit, I recently used this to change up my hair and love the effects.

  • Tangle Teaser, well to put it nicely, my hair is a pain in the backside for knotting but this makes it so much easier.

  • My Primark Cleanser, this little thing makes life much easier.

  • My Bambi tights, because they are so damn cute!

  • True Blood, I recently started watching this and watched all seven season within 2 weeks... yes my college work took a hit.

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