Sunday, 8 February 2015

Super Chocolatety Brownies

So I was in the mood for baking the other day but wasn't sure what to make so I went for every bodies favourite and made some brownies, I am so sorry if you guys are trying to eat healthy because this recipe will throw you off the wagon.

175g of dark chocolate
3 tbspn of coco powder
175g butter
3 medium eggs
250g caster sugar
75g plain flour
as many chocolate chips as you can handle


  • Grease a 20 square/rectangle cake tin and preheat the oven to 180 degrees/ gas mark 4
  • First melt the butter and chocolate in a bowl over a saucepan of boiling water, stir regularly
  • Next whisk the eggs and sugar together in a separate bowl until creamy.
  • In another separate bowl sieve the flour and coco powder 
  • Once the chocolate is melted leave it to cool slightly before adding sugar and eggs (you don't want to cook the eggs to soon)
  • Mix the chocolate, butter, sugar and eggs together until they are smooth
  • Once the other ingredients are mixed together fold in the flour and coco powder.
  • Than add in chocolate chips to your hearts content
  • Spoon into the cake tin and put them in the over for around 20 minutes
  • Once out of the oven leave to cool so you don't burn yourselves on the chocolatety goodness.

Thanks for reading

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