Monday, 30 May 2016

Midi Skirt Obsession

Welcome back guys, I'm back wiry another wish list/inspiration type post, this kid of post is what I stared out doing but I have been on them recently but I finally have another one up. This time featuring my favourite current trend. Out of all the current trends, my favourite is midi skirts, I'm not what people would call a 'girly girl' but this is a trend i'm willing to jump on this trend.  have picked out some of my favourites from ASOS and Boohoo, they are low end leading up to high end, and with prom approaching there are lots to choose from. The first picture is ASOS and the second is Boohoo

1: Needle & Thread Embellished Skirt | 2: ASOS Prom Stripe Skirt
7: ASOS Geo Jacquared Skirt | 8: French Connection Flared Skirt

As you can seed from ASOS I have chosen skirts that have a wider variety of shape but are quite close in terms of colour, on ASOS I seemed to have liked more monochrome designs. The first skirt I picked is from Needle and Thread, it is A line not typically 'princess style' but it is made up for with the gorgeous embellished detail. I loved the paper bag skirt because although there isn't a lot going on in terms of colours the paper bag waistline adds flare and is also flattering. Number 4 is also a skirt that has a simple design but could be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. Of course I had to include some stripe designs because who doesn't like stripes, over the years stripes have become such a classic piece in anybodies wardrobe. Number 2 has a more dressed up elegance to it where as the contrasting stripes, columns and a much less structured design leads to a more casual daytime look for number 5. For me 6 and 7 are two of my favourites, they have a much more classic shape, to me these feel like long lost pieces of Audrey Hepburn's wardrobe. Finally the mesh shirt brings a tidal wave of modernity to the table, with the cut out detailed mesh over a plain white lining which is slightly shorter than the outer material, which gives the skirt a more fun and flirty feel while still boasting a classic shape.

Contrasting ASOS monochrome colours, Boohoo boast a colourful cocktail of wild and vivid designs. These skirts all have a slight flare to them but the box pleats from the waist which loosen out further down the skirt gives the princess design a more modern, skater skirt feel. My favourites are the two porcelain and the striped, as well as the floral design of number 6. I feel number 6 his a bit more toned down but still has a beautiful design and colours. 



The Royal Windsor Horse Show | OOTD

Welcome back guys, last Sunday I went to The Royal Windsor Horse Show accompanied by the lovely Ellie from GingerandVintage. The horse show is a much loved event by the Queen and is in her diary each year, for me coming from the north I have only ever seen parts of the vent on the TV but this year I was able to end myself.

Before we left I was losing my mind over what to wear, this would be and event with a real mix of people attending, did I mention the Queen would be there? Picking what to wear for this day was a real dilemma, I couldn't go shopping for a new outfit because we decided to go the day before, well prepped I know... But anyway this is what I wore.

Faux suede dress | Primark £10
Coat | Miss Selfridges, Gift
Rabbit Blouse | H&M £14.99
Tights | Primark £2.50
Shoes | Topshop £2.50
Sunglasses | H&M £3.99
Bag | Primark £5
Pearl Bracelet | Gift
Nomination bracelet | Gift

The atmosphere at the show was amazing, I wasn't expecting it, me and ellie went into the main arena, at around 14:30 and stayed all day until the events finished, my favourite events were the Pony Club and the House Hold Calvary Musical ride. There were food vans everywhere, and people walking around selling strawberries and cream and lots of shops/stalls to wander around and have a look at. My day was made when Prince Phillip drove his carriage past us, we were sat opposite the royal box this was a complete coincidence but then the Queen went in the box. All in all it was a an amazing day, with great food and lots of new experiences and we are already planning to go back next year, I hope you enjoy this post, sorry some of the pictures are low quality.


Saturday, 28 May 2016

Smoothie Saturday | May 2016

For this smoothie I tried to incorporate something extra healthy into it, so if you are more of a health nut who can take the taste then this smoothie is for you but if not like me, don't try it. I for sure won't be making this again but I figured somebody out there may like it.

1 Ataulfo Mango
200 ml Tropicana Orange and lime juice
2 tsp wheatgrass powder

I was in whole foods when I thought of this recipe, to Kensington and I saw a variety of mango I had never seen before and figured I would give them a go.
I think its an Ataulfo mango but I'm not sure, it was very sour in taste. 
I added wheat grass powder because of the massive range of vitamins and minerals contained and the benefits to you health, hair and skin, I was also going to add spinach but I forgot.
Now as I said before I couldn't stomach this smoothie, it smelt like freshly cut grass and I really didn't like the taste, but maybe you might. 



Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Follow My Feet | Kensington Gardens

Hey guys, one of the things I love about London is that there are so many parks here, you can be pretty much be anywhere in London and find a park quite easily. Last week I visited Kensington Gardens which is such a lovely place. I have previously posted about Kensington Palace that I have visited previously but this post is dedicated mostly to the park.

The Gardens sit next to Hyde park and are connected by The Long Water built for Queen Caroline in 1730, it is connected to The Serpentine which is the lake in Hyde Park. Kensington Gardens is beautiful and to me looks a lot more natural and unkept than Hyde Park, the gardens attached to the palace are immaculate, there is a lovely variety of wildlife, and I was very surprised when I walked around a corner and saw a parakeet perched on somebodies hand. A lovely feature is the Italian gardens, situated at the end of The London Water, it looks like a setting of a roman novel, the pathways are sectioned off into different ponds with fountains in them and at the end is a little balcony over looking the The Long Water.

A feature I didn't know about until I got there is the Peter Pan Statue, as a child and still today, Peter Pan was my favourite story, and while every other child was waiting for their letter to hogwarts, I was waiting to fly to Neverland. I loved the little statue, it was placed there because parts of the film and the novel were based there.

Once we had looked around the gardens we ended up back at the palace and as we walked past it, a helicopter landed and Prince Edward got out and was driven to the palace, it was a surreal experience to have seen. The Gardens of the palace are gorgeous, boasting a mix of colourful tulips by the pond and pristine hedges. For me this will always be one of my favourite places in London to visit and I hope you like my photos.

**I would just like to mention, if you notice, 
some of my photos are slightly out of focus, this is because 
recently there has been a decline in my eyesight.
I thought the pain from straining my eyes was down
 to the migraines I have suffered with every day for 7 years,
 turns out its not. I actually have an eyesight issue, 
but my glasses will be here soon so please bare with me for the next few weeks, 
as I have had scheduled posts for a while.**

The Serpentine Bridge

Peter Pan Statue

Italian Gardens 

Italian Garden

Prince Edward arriving at  Kensington Palace
Kensington Palace

Albert Memorial
Albert Memorial
I have more posts like these coming up over the next few weeks, so be sure to check back for more.


Saturday, 14 May 2016

Food Place Favourite | Noodle Stop

Living in London, no matter where you go you are surrounded by culture and another important think, food! Yes thats right food, and of course food and culture go hand in hand to create so many culinary delights. Since I have been here I have eaten out a lot and I'm not going to lie, McDonalds is practically my second home like many other students I know; but I have decided to to blog some of the other places in London you may not of heard of before. My first post will be on The Noodle Stop in Leicester Square.

So guys sit back while I set the scene: Image its Monday 7th of May, I have numerous university deadlines for this day, one of which isn't finished, and at 5pm I'm supposed to be in Waterloo watching Captain America Civil War. My friends had already ventured out to spend the day in central London. At around three I submitted my work and left to meet them.

Once in Leicester Square I received a few texts explaining where my friends were and after spinning in circles and looking like a tourist I finally found The Noodle Stop. Upon seeing the building I was slightly disappointed from the outside, it looked slightly run down, missing letters from the sign. After some time I decided to try the food, its really simple, you pick the size box you want and then you pick either rice or noodles then pick the meat and sauce you want. For me I got vegetable noodles and sweet and sour chicken, I got a regular size for £5.50 and it kept me full all day I loved it. This place is the classic tale of not judging a book by its cover. I recommend this shop if you are in need of food quickly.

Id like to apologise about the quality of this image because I had no idea I was going to be using it as a blog post.



Sunday, 8 May 2016

Beginnings Of Sumer OOTD

If you live in the UK then you may have noticed that the weather has picked up so much over the past  couple of weeks. So I took the  opportunity to go for a walk through Hyde Park, Iv seen lots of little bits of Hype Park when iv been to London before, but never really ventured far in. Since I live so close now, I packed up my camera and went exploring with another blogger; Ellie from gingerandvintage here is what I wore on our little trip. One thing I must say is I really didn't think the temperature was going to rise as high as it did, maybe I would of changed my outfit up a bit if I did.

**I would just like to mention, if you notice, 
some of my photos are slightly out of focus, this is because 
recently there has been a decline in my eyesight.
I thought the pain from straining my eyes was down
 to the migraines I have suffered with every day for 7 years,
 turns out its not. I actually have an eyesight issue, 
but my glasses will be here soon so please bare with me for the next few weeks, 
as I have had scheduled posts for a while.**

Princess Diana Memorial Fountain

Obligatory mirror selfie with Ellie

-Shirt dress, Ark (Christmas present)
-Faux fur gilet, New Look
-Jeans, New Look (I put the rips in myself)
-Shoes, Nike
Hat, H&M

I love this shirtdress that my brother bought me for christmas and have been dying for the weather to warm up so I can wear it, because I'm a wimp when it comes to winter and cold weather so I always wrap up; so I took this as an opportunity to show my love for it. 
I wanted to wear my plain black slip-ons but the day before I decided to wear in some new shoes and they rubbed too much meaning my Nikes were the only comfortable option, but I do love them and for only £17.50 they are well worth it. 
I have had these jeans foe around 7-8 years (I know right?!?!) and once they started to lose their fit, I added the rips so I can continue to wear them.
The gilet was £17.99 on sale in New Look, it was so much softer than I thought it would be. 

We took so many photos on this day that I will do a separate post of our adventure around the park, stay tuned for that. 


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