Sunday, 8 May 2016

Beginnings Of Sumer OOTD

If you live in the UK then you may have noticed that the weather has picked up so much over the past  couple of weeks. So I took the  opportunity to go for a walk through Hyde Park, Iv seen lots of little bits of Hype Park when iv been to London before, but never really ventured far in. Since I live so close now, I packed up my camera and went exploring with another blogger; Ellie from gingerandvintage here is what I wore on our little trip. One thing I must say is I really didn't think the temperature was going to rise as high as it did, maybe I would of changed my outfit up a bit if I did.

**I would just like to mention, if you notice, 
some of my photos are slightly out of focus, this is because 
recently there has been a decline in my eyesight.
I thought the pain from straining my eyes was down
 to the migraines I have suffered with every day for 7 years,
 turns out its not. I actually have an eyesight issue, 
but my glasses will be here soon so please bare with me for the next few weeks, 
as I have had scheduled posts for a while.**

Princess Diana Memorial Fountain

Obligatory mirror selfie with Ellie

-Shirt dress, Ark (Christmas present)
-Faux fur gilet, New Look
-Jeans, New Look (I put the rips in myself)
-Shoes, Nike
Hat, H&M

I love this shirtdress that my brother bought me for christmas and have been dying for the weather to warm up so I can wear it, because I'm a wimp when it comes to winter and cold weather so I always wrap up; so I took this as an opportunity to show my love for it. 
I wanted to wear my plain black slip-ons but the day before I decided to wear in some new shoes and they rubbed too much meaning my Nikes were the only comfortable option, but I do love them and for only £17.50 they are well worth it. 
I have had these jeans foe around 7-8 years (I know right?!?!) and once they started to lose their fit, I added the rips so I can continue to wear them.
The gilet was £17.99 on sale in New Look, it was so much softer than I thought it would be. 

We took so many photos on this day that I will do a separate post of our adventure around the park, stay tuned for that. 



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