Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Follow My Feet | Kensington Gardens

Hey guys, one of the things I love about London is that there are so many parks here, you can be pretty much be anywhere in London and find a park quite easily. Last week I visited Kensington Gardens which is such a lovely place. I have previously posted about Kensington Palace that I have visited previously but this post is dedicated mostly to the park.

The Gardens sit next to Hyde park and are connected by The Long Water built for Queen Caroline in 1730, it is connected to The Serpentine which is the lake in Hyde Park. Kensington Gardens is beautiful and to me looks a lot more natural and unkept than Hyde Park, the gardens attached to the palace are immaculate, there is a lovely variety of wildlife, and I was very surprised when I walked around a corner and saw a parakeet perched on somebodies hand. A lovely feature is the Italian gardens, situated at the end of The London Water, it looks like a setting of a roman novel, the pathways are sectioned off into different ponds with fountains in them and at the end is a little balcony over looking the The Long Water.

A feature I didn't know about until I got there is the Peter Pan Statue, as a child and still today, Peter Pan was my favourite story, and while every other child was waiting for their letter to hogwarts, I was waiting to fly to Neverland. I loved the little statue, it was placed there because parts of the film and the novel were based there.

Once we had looked around the gardens we ended up back at the palace and as we walked past it, a helicopter landed and Prince Edward got out and was driven to the palace, it was a surreal experience to have seen. The Gardens of the palace are gorgeous, boasting a mix of colourful tulips by the pond and pristine hedges. For me this will always be one of my favourite places in London to visit and I hope you like my photos.

**I would just like to mention, if you notice, 
some of my photos are slightly out of focus, this is because 
recently there has been a decline in my eyesight.
I thought the pain from straining my eyes was down
 to the migraines I have suffered with every day for 7 years,
 turns out its not. I actually have an eyesight issue, 
but my glasses will be here soon so please bare with me for the next few weeks, 
as I have had scheduled posts for a while.**

The Serpentine Bridge

Peter Pan Statue

Italian Gardens 

Italian Garden

Prince Edward arriving at  Kensington Palace
Kensington Palace

Albert Memorial
Albert Memorial
I have more posts like these coming up over the next few weeks, so be sure to check back for more.


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