Monday, 23 March 2015

Film Review: What Maise Knew

I have been wanting to review this film for while and haven't got around to it but its here now. Here is my review for the film What Maise Knew.

Adapted from a 1897 Henry James novel, directed by Scot Mcgehee and David Siegel, to me this film beautifully captures the life of a child who's parents are getting a divorce, in the modern day. Originally set in victorian England, this film has been adapted for the big screen and set in New York.

For me New York was the perfect city to shoot this film as it shows to high powered, career driven parents, struggling with their relationship with each other as a married couple followed by their struggles after the divorce. Not only do they struggle with their relationship with each other but also with everyone around them including their six year old daughter.

The makers of the film were able to capture and subtly show how much a child see's and pick up from whats going on around them and follows through her confusion as she learns to live with constant changes in her young life. Both parents clearly love their daughter although they feel more inclined to further their career which pushes them away from their daughter. Following the divorce the parents still show their distaste for each other, while talking to Maise as they seem to forget that she is only six as they both try to put her against the others.

Maise is closer to her babysitter/nanny from the start but after marrying her father the nanny becomes more prominent in Maises life, next its the mothers turn to re marry, she marries a bar tender who quickly wins the heart of Maise much to her mothers annoyance.

As the film progresses it subtly shows the break down of the relationship Maise has with her parents, as she builds up a stronger one with her new step parents who spend more time looking after her than her parents do and ultimately end up together!

The film was shot at Maises height which gives you better perspective of what she is seeing. I think the soundtrack picked flows nicely with the film, especially the final song "Feeling of being" which is gentle, and helps to end the film in beautifully, happy way.

I have watched this film multiple times and each time a watch it I think I fall more in love with the simplicity of this film, but also the cast of this film has been perfectly picked.

Juilanne Moore Plays Susanna, Maises mother, I love Moore's portrayal of the quick tempered volatile mother, who has no problem swearing in front of her daughter and trying to turn Maise's into hating her father. The final straw for her relationship with her daughter is when she leaves for her tour  as her music and career takes over.

Steve Coogan plays Beale Maises father, who is also career driven and is constantly travelling leaving his young daughter with his new wife, as a father and a husband Beale seems to be neither here nor there when it comes to deciding whats going on in his life.

Next up is Joanna Vanderham who plays margo the nanny and Beales new wife. Vanderham plays a gentle character who seems to talk very easily to motherhood and has a great relationship with Maise, although her life is turned upside down in this film.

Lincoln the bar tender and Maises new step father is played by Alexander Skarsgård, Lincoln is thrown into his new life and spends more time looking after Maise than her mother does and very quickly builds a close relationship with her. Skarsgård portrays him as a sweet and down to earth guy, who is great with kids but seems uncomfortable and uncoordinated in his own body, together with Maise they have the cutest relationship ever.

Saving best for last the actress who plays Maise is Onata Aprile. Aprile is a beautiful girl with, in my view amazing talent, she keeps her composer through out the film and easily portrays the characters emotions, she is able to create great relationships with the other actors. The main reason I love this film is because of this little girl, also each time I hear her laugh I fall more in love. Onata also won 4 awards for her role.

So if I haven't made it clear already I love this film so go check it out if you haven't seen it and if you have go watch it again.

Also this is my first ever film review I hope you guys like it.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Review: Primark Witch Hazel & Tea Tree Oil Face Mask

You guys may or may not be aware that Primark are massively expanding there beauty/cosmetics range. I picked up a few of the things to try out and my favourite it their Witch Hazel and Tea Tree Oil Peel Off Face Mask, wow thats a mouth full.

Anyway I find this mask to work really well, you simple squeeze it on to your fingers and spread it on to you face, it begins to dry super quick so work fast! Once its on leave it to dry for around 10 minutes and then simply peel it off, then rinse your face with water and any product that wasn't peeled off will turn back into a liquid and wipe away. Viola you are done.

I absolutely loved this mask, witch hazel and tea tree are two of the best natural products to use on your skin to prevent AND smooth your spots and blemishes and because it is in the form of a peel off mask it lifts off dead skin to leave your skin refreshed!

I can't stress enough how much more refreshed this mask makes your skin feel, it also helps remove black head, also I notices if it doesn't manage to remove them it lifts them to the surface of your skin enough to remove them your self or used a scrub to make sure!

All in all I love this stuff and for only £1.50 for a big bottle, you can stock up!

If you want any more reviews then send me a request.

Thanks for reading


Monday, 16 March 2015

10 More Facts About Me

I haven't done one of these posts in a long time so I thought I would give you some more random facts about me, this way you can get to know me a bit better!

  1. My name is Antonia, on here I have always referred to myself as Borrower but if you follow me on Instagram or Twitter you may have noticed my real name
  2. My favourite animal is a leopard, any breed of leopard, or jaguars.
  3. I was born in october so my star sign is a libra.
  4. I prefer to use blue pens to black.
  5. I would rather eat fruit or veg than meat.
  6. I'm a slight hoarder, it hasn't got out of hand yet but I suppose there is still time.
  7. I'm left handed and right footed.
  8. If I could learn another language right now it would probably be swedish.
  9. I want to learn how to fly a plane.
  10. The last album I bought was McBusted's self titled album.
Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed reading!

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Smoothie Saturday Break/ Update

Sooooo any body who was here yesterday to read my latest smoothie recipe would of been met with disappointment. I'm sorry I didn't post but in the recent weeks iv felt pressured to quickly make a smoothie for you guys and realised I didn't enjoy it, so I'm going to take a few weeks to experiment and get back to post recipes in the near future.

This way I can work with new, fresh fruit that is transitioning in from winter to spring! But if you do fancy a smoothie then feel free to find one of my older posts from last year.

Also over the coming weeks I will hopefully be working more in the garden meaning I can get back to Garden Projects posts, I have a few things planned for this year so I can incorporate the fruit and vegetables in my garden into my smoothies. EXCITING!!

For the coming week I have some reviews coming your way as well as, a 10 Facts About Me post.

Just thought I would write this to keep you updated, I know this past month my posts have been slow but iv been concentrating a lot on college and getting ready for university.

Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this I really appreciate it!!!

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Haul, Haul, Haul

Hey how is everybody doing?

Last Saturday I ventured out to my local shopping centre to pick up mothers day cards, hair spray for my brother and maybe a little something for me, just a quick trip! Oh how I was wrong, there were sales on everywhere and New Looks amazing sale defiantly helped thin my purse!

So here is everything I bought!

First up is this black ribbed crop top. £6

I picked up this orange waffle stripe crop top for £8.

For trousers I bought these Plum Slim leg check trousers. £7.

I also bought these black and white check roll leg leggings. £9

Next up I picked up this cream cropped sleeve high neck top. £4
Lastly from New Look I picked up this super cute skirt which I featured in my last post! £8

Next up are things I picked up from Primark.

I saw a top that I loved on Asos for £20 but then I saw this on for £4 in Primark.

I found these two pairs of super cute shorts, one pair is black with white  polka dots and the other are light blue with dark blue flowers, for just £5 a pair.

For the amazing price of £3.50 I picked up this small grey bag, because a girl always needs a small bag on hand.

For jewellery I bought this simple gold bracelet for £1.50

As well as this necklace with feathers and pale pink beads. £1

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this and managed to pick some good things up from the sales too. Thanks for reading!!

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Sunday Sale Wishlist!

I went shopping yesterday and low and behold New Look had a sale on, usually when I go sale shopping I find a few things I like, but not yesterday.

For me yesterday the New Look sale was like a treasure chest on a forbidden island, even after spending a whole lot of money, I found myself coming home, jumping on the internet and looking for items I had missed or weren't in my size.

My favourite item which I picked up was a shirt, now if you are a follower on my blog then you may have noticed that skirts don't appear very often, well it looks like New Look may have changed that.
When looking online I found so many skirts like the one I had bought but were sold out so I thought I would show you my favourites.

  1. Number 1 is the White Check Brushed Textured skirt that I picked up in store, as I have said usually I don't head for skirts but this one I loved upon first sight, maybe it was Taylors Swifts style influence that made me buy it and if it was, I'm not complaining. £8
  2. Burgundy Check Tube Skirt. £5. I loved this because of the pattern, I know it is check but I loved the size difference between the white squares and the rest of the pattern.
  3. Red Brushed Check Print Mini Skirt. £9
  4. Grey Grid Check Brushed Skirt. £8. I simply loved this because of the subtle pastel pink.
  5. Pale Blue Brushed Gingham Check Mini Skirt. £9.
  6. Grey Check Notch Split Mini Skirt £11
  7. Grey Brushed Large Grid Print Mini Skirt. £9
  8. Light Blue Brushed Large Grid Print Mini Skirt. £9
  9. Lilac Brushed Large Grid Print Mini Skirt £8.
  10. Yellow Brushed Large Grid Print Mini Skirt £8
I know what your all thinking "the last four are the same" but you could have a new super cute outfit everyday! 

I hope you like this post, thanks for reading!!

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Smoothie Saturday

I know this weeks smoothie Saturday is late but its here finally!
I love this one so much, the pear is super sweet and at the forefront followed by the tangy kick of the apple.

2 pears (i used conference pears)
2 apples (i used granny smith)
a handful of spinach
100 ml of water.

This recipe is so simple but so filling, it is perfect to wake you up in the morning or great after a workout!

I hope you like this smoothie.

If you want to keep up with my latest posts follow me on bloglovin, instagram or twitter.

Thanks for reading!


Friday, 6 March 2015

Follow My Feet | FIRST EVER VLOG!!!

Hey guys I went on a short trip to Falmouth, I had never been before but it was so beautiful. I spent the night in a hotel on the sea front. Falmouth had a lovely atmosphere, people were swimming in the sea (brave, brave people it must of been freeing) or doing some kind of water sports, dogs were playing with their owners on the beach.

Teenagers were building campfires on the sand and something that I loved was the fact so many teenagers were around but the adults didn't shy away or treat them any differently, everybody was mingling.

Ships were docked just off shore, the money rose over the castle, the sky changed from light blue to pink and dark purple hues before changing in to a clear dark sky.

I stayed at the Membly Hall Hotel, which had beautiful views where ever you looked, the food was also amazing.

To check out my vlog click here

Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it!


Sunday, 1 March 2015

Anxiety Strikes Again

I can't really say again can I because it never really goes away, you just have good or bad periods and february was full of bad periods for me.

I had my university interviews last month and with that came the hardship that comes from getting out of bed, for the most part I got in my bed and stayed there for as long as I could. There was lots of hiding in the toilet or chocking back sobs and refusal to let tear fall because your family and friends have no idea what its like to be unsure of everything around you.

I travelled to the opposite end of the country multiple times for my interview which didn't help matters because I had mo idea where I was, I was surrounded by thousands of people all at one time, buildings seemed to grow bigger as my worries came to the surface.

Of course with anxiety comes looking at your self in the mirror and hating what you see, others around you always seem so put together and happy, but when you look in the mirror you see a broken shell of a person hiding where they can thinking that everyone is judging you or worried that something bad is going to happen, thinking how did this happen to me? How did I get here?

So while my life seemed to be moving faster than I was ready for I became more sucked into myself, I didn't want to talk so when I did it sounded like I was snapping at everybody but really I was just scared. Not only did my blog feel a blow my college work did too, I don't think I have written anything for around three weeks.

Here I am trying to get the grades to go to university yet I can't even find the courage to pick up a pen and write what I need. I feel like what ever people are saying to me is to judge and nit pick at my life, asking questions they have asked be for and I had answered, r asking questions I couldn't possible know the answer to, drawing more uncertainty  on me.

I'm sorry that my blog suffered toast month but I'm slowly pulling it together and hope you guys stick around.

Thanks for reading!

February Favourites

So February is over, it went quick didn't it?

Last month wasn't particularly a good month for me so the things in my favourites are things that have helped me get through it in some way.

Beauty Products-

  • Make Up Revolution- Redemption Palette Iconic 3
  • Maybelline Dream Pure BB cream
  • My Primark Tea Tree & Witch Hazel Peel of face mask
  • Colab Dry Shampoo in New Your
  • Bleach London Salt spray
Always helps to get me through hard times
  • Taylor Swift
  • McBusted
  • Ikea
  • Essiebuton 
  • Sacconejoly, aka your daily does of cuteness delivered right to your door!

  • Mars bars limited edition triple chocolate bar (not healthy I know)
  • The Jungle Book (Disney), I showed this to my young nephew for the first time and he loved it.

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