Monday, 16 March 2015

10 More Facts About Me

I haven't done one of these posts in a long time so I thought I would give you some more random facts about me, this way you can get to know me a bit better!

  1. My name is Antonia, on here I have always referred to myself as Borrower but if you follow me on Instagram or Twitter you may have noticed my real name
  2. My favourite animal is a leopard, any breed of leopard, or jaguars.
  3. I was born in october so my star sign is a libra.
  4. I prefer to use blue pens to black.
  5. I would rather eat fruit or veg than meat.
  6. I'm a slight hoarder, it hasn't got out of hand yet but I suppose there is still time.
  7. I'm left handed and right footed.
  8. If I could learn another language right now it would probably be swedish.
  9. I want to learn how to fly a plane.
  10. The last album I bought was McBusted's self titled album.
Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed reading!

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