Sunday, 15 March 2015

Smoothie Saturday Break/ Update

Sooooo any body who was here yesterday to read my latest smoothie recipe would of been met with disappointment. I'm sorry I didn't post but in the recent weeks iv felt pressured to quickly make a smoothie for you guys and realised I didn't enjoy it, so I'm going to take a few weeks to experiment and get back to post recipes in the near future.

This way I can work with new, fresh fruit that is transitioning in from winter to spring! But if you do fancy a smoothie then feel free to find one of my older posts from last year.

Also over the coming weeks I will hopefully be working more in the garden meaning I can get back to Garden Projects posts, I have a few things planned for this year so I can incorporate the fruit and vegetables in my garden into my smoothies. EXCITING!!

For the coming week I have some reviews coming your way as well as, a 10 Facts About Me post.

Just thought I would write this to keep you updated, I know this past month my posts have been slow but iv been concentrating a lot on college and getting ready for university.

Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this I really appreciate it!!!

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