Saturday, 31 January 2015

Smoothie Saturday

This week were going tropical! Pineapple and Mango
smoothie recipe

Half a cup of pineapple
Half of a mango 
half of a frozen mango
1 banana
150ml coconut water
1 tsp of milled linseed
1 tsp of chia seed

Mix all of these up in the blender and enjoy, I added the seeds in after everything else is frozen then mixed them up. 

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Going Makeup Free

How often do you go make up free?

To be honest most of the time I go make up free, and I often see girls complaining about what people think about what they look like and I think we need to be more confident about ourselves.

Each day we see media picking faults with the celebrities we admire and even if we don't agree this things stick in the back of our minds and we then start applying those criticisms to ourselves and others around us.

So instead of thinking of idea why you should wear makeup why not think about all the reasons not too?

  • It will give your skin time to breathe in turn making it more healthy 

  • You ARE beautiful now you just have to show yourself 

  • You will save a bit of money if you choose to live without wearing make up all the time

  • If people have bad things to say about the way look with or without make up, you need to ask yourself if they are really the people you want around you

  • You shouldn't need make up to accept yourself

  • If you do start going make up free more often then you won't have to constantly feel the need to check if your make up has slipped.

  • Removing your eye make up won't be such a pain if your not wearing any

  • and to me the most important thing is you can have that all important extra time in bed!

So why not try going make up free? Feel free to comment any thoughts.

Here is my make up free selfie

Thanks for reading


Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Jewellery Haul

If you follow me on Instagram then you will know that I went to the Trafford Centre, and while I was there I bought a lot of jewellery... So here is my jewellery haul.

So first up is Forever 21.

I bought these mixed gold and coloured bangles, usually I don't buy bangles because they are too big and tend to fall off but step up Forever 21. These bangles are slightly smaller than in other shops so they don't come off! I also love the mix of colours, these were £5

I also bought this gold midi ring with rhinestone encrusted in the plate. £2

One of my favourite purchases is this gold feather necklace, I love feathers and this is only £2

Lastly from Forever 21 I bought these burnished  gold rings for £4.50 AND they fit, which also never happens for me so take a bow Forever 21!

The next store is Warehouse, I picked up this 2 rowed clustered square gold necklace, I think this is such a cute necklace and for £1 it was a steal.

Next up also for £1 is this elastic bracelet with three gold triangles on it, such a simple design!

Lastly from Warehouse I bought 2 necklaces one is a rose gold arrow and the other is a gold triangle with a triangle cut out in the middle, both priced at £1

The last store I bought from was Topshop where I go this golden stamped necklace, I love the look of stamped jewellery. This was £2

Looking back at some of the stuff I picked up I am ridiculously impressed

Thanks for reading


Sunday, 25 January 2015

Spotlight: Facial Cleanser

So i'm adding a new feature to my blog, which I'm calling Spotlight. It will be light a monthly fav, but will be just one item I'm liking at anytime.

Welcome to spotlight!

At the moment I am loving this silicone facial cleansers from Primark, I have seen American bloggers talking about silicone cleansing pads but I had never seen them in the UK so I was going to buy one off Amazon. But then I found one in Primark for just £1.50!!!!!

The bristles don't rub or harm the skin but help spread the product more easily and they are super easy to clean. They are now a must use in my beauty routine!

Go check them out!


Saturday, 24 January 2015

Smoothie Saturday: Pineapple Green Smoothie

Pineapple and coconut water smoothie

Simple smoothie recipe for the first smoothie saturday of the year!

2 & half cups of pineapple
200ml of coconut water
2 handfuls of kale
1 tbsp linseed mix

Just blend it all up and enjoy, this smoothie is tangy due to all the pineapple. If you want you can swap out some of the pineapple for frozen pineapple to keep it cool.

Linseed is packed with fibre to help with digestion and also omega 3, buy milled linseed because they have already been broken down, otherwise they won't be able to be digested easily!

I found it hard to find the seed and coconut water in the UK but you can go to Holland and Barrett, or alternatively go to Aldi, they now sell different types of linseed mixes in the cereal section and they have just started supplying coconut water!

I also advise you not to have more than 2 tablespoons of linseed


Friday, 23 January 2015

MUA Haul & Review

So as the title suggests this is a review of MUA products, I saw to products online that I wanted to check out, then saw that they were in the sale (even better) and decided to buy more...

The first thing I saw was this 3 in 1 contour pen in smoked plum, this is what I went to check out, I was slightly disappointed by it because it comes out a lot darker than shown in the picture, it is almost black, but if you get the right light it does look more purple. On the plus side the packaging is very sleek, I it is very easy to get different sized lines, and it blends really well.

I also picked up The Artiste Collection, it has 6 eye shadows that are each merged with another colour, but it also has two blushes and a contour and highlighter. The eyeshadows come with natural colours and blue toned smokey eye. For some of the eyeshadow colours it was hard to get a good colour pay off but the blushes and contours work really well.

I bought a blusher in the shade 3, I love the colour, it is more of a red/brown shade rather than a pink shade. The product isn't super powdery  and the packaging is small enough that you can take it anywhere.

The Going For Gold palette peaked my attention, most of the colours are well pigmented but doesn't have much pay off when using a brush, when I was putting swatches on my arm it was much easier to use my fingers rather than using a brush.

I got the mega volume mascara for free because I bought an eye palette, this
mascara works really well at separating you lashes and it isn't at all clumpy, although i'd say mega volume is pushing it slightly.

I also bought the eyeshadow contour brush, some of the bristles are a bit sharp but other than that it works well.

Lastly I bought the 12 Shade Glamour Days Palette, as with the other two palettes some colours work better than others but I still love it!

The Artiste Collection- On sale for £2
3in1 Contour Pen- £1
Blusher Shade Three- On sale for 50p
12 Shade Going For Gold Palette-£2
Mega Volume Mascara- £3 or free when you by an eye palette
E2 Contour Brush- £1.95
12 Shade Glamour Days Palette- £2

They were delivered within a few days and the packaging was really secure, everything got here fine.

All in all for the prices of everything I bought I am super happy, and best news of all its all in the sale so go check them out.


Saturday, 17 January 2015

What I Wore For My Dads Birthday Meal

Sorry, sorry, sorry!! Wow its been a busy few weeks, I have has so much college work to do as well as university application, and I started watching True Blood...

Here is a quick post about what I wore for my dads birthday meal.

I wore a black lace playsuit which I bought from prim ark about 3 years ago and it is still going strong, I love it. With that I wore a pair of Bambi tights also from Primark because they are flipping amazing and they were £4

For shoes I wore my faux leather black slip-ons from Peacocks, for £12, these are so comfortable they haven't rubbed me once! (it wasn't a super post restauruant)

I also wore this top shop leather jacket that I had for christmas, which is not £45.

Make up:
Revlon Colour Stay concealer, mixed with Maybelline Pure Dream BB cream. 
Primark PS Love eyebrow pencil 
Barry M Black Eye Crayon
Sleek Vintage Romance Pallete, i used the colours are Lust In LA,  Marry in Monte Carlo and Honey Moon in Hollywood.  

And I was running late so I didn't get time to apply mascara, blusher or bronzer, I might have lost track of time watching True Blood.
As for my hair I straightened most of it but not super straight, then added a few thin plaits through out.

 Iv just realised other than my Profile pic these are the first pictures of me on my blog...

Thanks for reading, I have lots of future posts planned, hopefully I will have time to write them soon.

Please follow me on twitter and bloglovin.

OHHH and before I forget here is my Dads cake shaped like a double decker bus, how cool is that!!

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Back To College, Sale Outfit!

So this post, as the title suggests is a back to college/school outfit, and all of the products are on sale and from the same place, ASOS!

First up its winter (at least it is in England) that means were going to need a coat, and I have chosen this red, empire cut, funnel coat. I just love the colour and fit.


This coat is £32 and from New Look or ASOS

Next I have this super cute butterfly print graphic tee, I love how simple the design is, this shirt is ASOS brand and £8. 

I have also picked out these super simple plain black, low rise, black skinny jeans, with a slit in the knee, also by ASOS and £19 

And last but not least I have picked out these red plaid Steve Madden shoes, these will match the coat perfectly, but will also add colour to the outfit when you aren't wearing the coat! These shoes are £25
I went back to basics with this post, because I no I haven't done one in a while, I hope you enjoy reading this, if you have then follow me on twitter or bloglovin!
Thanks for reading


Saturday, 3 January 2015

Teen Talk: University

I say this is a teen talk but I'm sure this chat can appeal to almost anybody, I say this because one thing that university students have in common with a lot of people is independence, whether they move away from home or stay!

Eventually everybody takes on some form of independence, it could be simple things such as changing your diet or finding new friends, to going on holiday with your friends for the first time or something bigger like leaving home, getting your driving licence or starting a family. But for a lot of teens choosing to go to university or following other paths such as getting an apprenticeship or a job.

For me at the moment my winning choice is university, but that comes with all sorts of questions and I am a terrible over anxious, over thinker, and iv your like me you will be going mad right about now!

Im trying to write my personal statement and I'm sure it is going to be the death of me, and if that doesn't kill me then the amount of times iv banged my head against the desk will be. I'm finding this hard because you have to  promote yourself but obviously you can't over promote yourself and look ignorant or obnoxious, but you still need to make a bloody good impression. I have two paragraphs so  far and guess when the deadline is? January 15th, so I am going out of my mind, with a million and one questions whirling around my head.

  1. Am I sure university is right for me?
  2. Do I have what it takes?
  3. Do I move away or stay close to home?
  4. Do I go for a city campus or not?
  5. University by the sea?
  6. Will I have enough money to live?
  7. How often will I get to see my family?
  8. Will I get the work done?
  9. Am I choosing the right course?
  10. Will I make new friends?
  11. And most importantly, will I get in?
And with them questions come an entourage of more, so no doubt after this I will post more university posts, but for now I thought people who are in the same boat as me could come here and say what they want and maybe give each other so advice.

Thanks for reading, if you like what you read, then follow me on twitter or bloglovin to see when I upload new posts, links are at the side>>

Friday, 2 January 2015

Mini Haul!

So the christmas and new year celebrations have passed, and although parties have passed the sales have started! This means that, its time to treat yourself after the christmas rush.

Today I was supposed to buy my best friend some thing for her birthday and couldn't find anything she wouldn't all ready have for christmas, so that meant most of my money would be going on me...

Bought a few batty products
  • I bought the a Barry M eye crayon because it super soft, which i think is an important box to tick when you are using something around your eye, and just like I thought it is super pigmented! £3.99
  • Essie cuticle care oil £8.99
  • Colab New York dry shampoo, I was first attracted to the packaging, which stood out across the store, the packaging for all of the dry shampoo, is unique and eye catching, each formula has its own design and colour, also these smell amazing, I especially loved the New York one. Another thing that attracted me to this product is it is invisible, which is what I need having quiet dark brown hair! £3.49
  • Dream Lumi Touch highlighting concealer, I bought this because I needed an under eye concealer which covered up my dark circles, and this product defiantly does this. £6.99

Next is shoes... I seemed to have a lapse in judgement, and turned into my brother as i bought these, but I feel in love.

Light Leopard Print Slip Ons

First are these leopard print slip on's, I really like the black strip on the heel. £6

Next are these faux leather slips on's, a few weeks ago I was looking at buying some vans slip ons with this design but talked my self out of it, but when I saw these in Peacocks for just £12 I had to get them!

I also but McBusted's album. And that is everything, although I just realised that the only thing i have bought that were on sale is the leopard print shoes...

Thanks for reading! 

*im sorry for the photos I'm testing the settings on my new phone
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