Saturday, 3 January 2015

Teen Talk: University

I say this is a teen talk but I'm sure this chat can appeal to almost anybody, I say this because one thing that university students have in common with a lot of people is independence, whether they move away from home or stay!

Eventually everybody takes on some form of independence, it could be simple things such as changing your diet or finding new friends, to going on holiday with your friends for the first time or something bigger like leaving home, getting your driving licence or starting a family. But for a lot of teens choosing to go to university or following other paths such as getting an apprenticeship or a job.

For me at the moment my winning choice is university, but that comes with all sorts of questions and I am a terrible over anxious, over thinker, and iv your like me you will be going mad right about now!

Im trying to write my personal statement and I'm sure it is going to be the death of me, and if that doesn't kill me then the amount of times iv banged my head against the desk will be. I'm finding this hard because you have to  promote yourself but obviously you can't over promote yourself and look ignorant or obnoxious, but you still need to make a bloody good impression. I have two paragraphs so  far and guess when the deadline is? January 15th, so I am going out of my mind, with a million and one questions whirling around my head.

  1. Am I sure university is right for me?
  2. Do I have what it takes?
  3. Do I move away or stay close to home?
  4. Do I go for a city campus or not?
  5. University by the sea?
  6. Will I have enough money to live?
  7. How often will I get to see my family?
  8. Will I get the work done?
  9. Am I choosing the right course?
  10. Will I make new friends?
  11. And most importantly, will I get in?
And with them questions come an entourage of more, so no doubt after this I will post more university posts, but for now I thought people who are in the same boat as me could come here and say what they want and maybe give each other so advice.

Thanks for reading, if you like what you read, then follow me on twitter or bloglovin to see when I upload new posts, links are at the side>>

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