Thursday, 29 January 2015

Going Makeup Free

How often do you go make up free?

To be honest most of the time I go make up free, and I often see girls complaining about what people think about what they look like and I think we need to be more confident about ourselves.

Each day we see media picking faults with the celebrities we admire and even if we don't agree this things stick in the back of our minds and we then start applying those criticisms to ourselves and others around us.

So instead of thinking of idea why you should wear makeup why not think about all the reasons not too?

  • It will give your skin time to breathe in turn making it more healthy 

  • You ARE beautiful now you just have to show yourself 

  • You will save a bit of money if you choose to live without wearing make up all the time

  • If people have bad things to say about the way look with or without make up, you need to ask yourself if they are really the people you want around you

  • You shouldn't need make up to accept yourself

  • If you do start going make up free more often then you won't have to constantly feel the need to check if your make up has slipped.

  • Removing your eye make up won't be such a pain if your not wearing any

  • and to me the most important thing is you can have that all important extra time in bed!

So why not try going make up free? Feel free to comment any thoughts.

Here is my make up free selfie

Thanks for reading


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