Sunday, 31 May 2015

Smoothie Sunday

Im late again but here is todays super tangy smoothie, iv done a lot of sweet so iv changed it up bit.

5 apricots
1 cup of raspberries
3 peaches
1 passion fruit
1/2 of a naval orange.
2 tspn chia seeds
2 tspn flack seed

I hope you like a lots of tang because this smoothie is jam packed.

(the pictures aren't the best but they have been taken late at night)

Thank you for reading

Friday, 29 May 2015

Avocado & Green Tea Hair Mask

Have you ever watched TV and wondered how the actresses manages to get frizz free, shiny hair? Well iv made a hair mask that gave me the answer and it was made using only three ingredients which I already had the house.

4 teaspoons of olive oil
Half and avocado
Half a cup of green to (using just one tea bag)

I used a blender to mix this because it was quicker but also it helped the oil mix in with the other ingredients but if you don't have a blender all you have to do iv mash and mix it together.

I added plant of this too my hair, I sectioned off parts of my hair to make sure I didn't miss any spots then massaged it in. I left it for 20-30 minutes (I didn't want to miss corrie) then washed it out, I shampooed twice and then added conditioner to only the ends of my hair.

I picked these three ingredients because they all have plenty of benefits some share the same benefits so I thought mixing them would double the chances of healthy hair.

For me this mix made my hair easier to brush, easy to straighten, soft and refreshed, also my hair wasn't weighed down and I have no frizz.

Benefits of the ingredients:
Olive oil:
Makes hair softer
adds shine
is moisturising and stops frizz
helps keep hair from tanlging

Green tea:
Helps with hair growth
prevents hair loss
helps control dandruff
can soothe itchy scalp (it can also help soothe psoriasis)

Helps hair growth
adds shine
prevents hair loss
can treat dry and itchy scalp
helps tackle frizz
helps control dandruff

There you go a super simple, easy to make mask which promotes healthy hair.

I hope you liked this post.

Thank you for reading.


Sunday, 24 May 2015

Smoothie Sunday | Apricot Delight

Once again I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried apricot, the only time I have eaten apricot is in   yogurt but I wanted to try the actual fruit so I made a smoothie.

1 passion fruit
juice of half an orange
1 mango
3 apricots
100ml of coconut and pineapple juice.

This smoothie is for people with a sweet tooth, I hope you enjoy

When I payed for the apricots I was stood at the till for about 15 minutes because they weren't on the computer system so it took four different workers to work out how to pay.

I bought the coconut and pineapple juice because it is really expensive to buy coconut water on its own so I figured that this would be a good alternative and bought it, but silly me didn't read what was in it until I got home. It is full of added flavours and also milk, which I am sensitive with, I told you guys before I have a lot of bad luck.

Thanks for reading


Thursday, 21 May 2015

My Current Travel Bucket List

I love to travel and explore, travelling is something I have been doing all my life so I wanted to make a post of all the places I wish to travel in the future!

A lot of of the things in my list are based in the UK, because the UK is a beautiful place to explore and I think people forget about all the places to go other than the big cities. Castles have always fascinated me so I'm happy to explore any castles thrown at me.

  • Visit all the castles in the UK
  • Visit the Vatican
  • Visit Venice 
  • Travel  around the British coast line 
  • Go to the Harry Potter Studios
  • Go and see the Gaints Causeway
  • Go and see the northern lights
  • Track mountain gorillas 
  • Go to the Fiary chimneys of Cappadpcia 
  • Go to Hobbiton in New Zealand (and New Zealand in general)
  • Visit Red Square in Russia
  • Visit Japan 
I love exploring cities whether they are sprawling cityscapes or more quaint towns, I enjoy looking at the architecture in big cities just as much as I enjoy finding book shop tucked away in a rustic town.

Places I have visited in the past:





I hope you liked this kind of post. 
Thank you for reading!

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Smoothie Saturday...

I know, I know its a Sunday night but I honestly thought today was Saturday but its not! oh well heres a smoothie anyway.

So this is by far the best tasting smoothie I have ever had! EVER.

It it is a tropical smoothie, I told you I wanted to get more summery and diverse well here it is my tropical twister smoothie.

1 cup of pineapple
1 cups of mango
1 passion fruit
1/2 papaya
100ml of water

You can play about with the amounts depending on what you want or like, I actually drank a lot of mine before I took any pictures I was running around my house like making my dad and brother taste it because it was so good!

I loved this smoothie and now that summer is coming there is more of a variety of fruits coming to the UK which has me very excited!!!

I hope you enjoyed this post
Thank you for reading.


Thursday, 14 May 2015

My New Phone Case

**Disclaimer this isn't sponsored I just really love my new phone case.

So I have a Sony Xperia Z3 Compact, I'm a really clumsy person and if you believe in luck then you should know mine is pretty bad and when I'm at college if something breaks people usually luck at me first.

I decided its probably best to buy a phone case because I'm forever dropping my phone so while I was at college I picked a case only that I liked but didn't have my card details with me so I decided to wait until I got home... I forgot.

The next day I dropped it and the back shattered so I was looking to buy a case quick but couldn't decide which one to get and at the time I was watching generation kill on repeat so it only made sense to design a generation kill case.

Gocustomized was the only site that had had a Z3 compact case that was also at a reasonable price, I designed my case and ordered... then realised id ordered the wrong case, I got just s Z3 not a Z3 compact so I emailed the company they got back to me within less than a day and cancelled my order with out a problem, so I could reorder.

When my case came it was exactly how I ordered it, the picture was perfect not blurred or distorted, and the writing looked just as I had designed it, so I would recommend this site to anybody who wants a custom case!

Thanks for reading 


Friday, 8 May 2015

My First Time | Gym Experience

I planned to have this up days ago but the gym and Naruto have stood in my way!

Being quite an anxious person the thought of going to the gym scared me to death, it had nothing to do with exercising because I enjoy it, but merely the thought of being in a room with people I didn't know and using equipment I didn't know stopped me from attempting.

What if I make a fool of my self on a machine?
What is I trip up and face plant the floor? (totally plausible with my luck)
Wont all of the gym goers watch me and judge me?
What is I break something? (myself, somebody else or some equipment)
What happens if I get stuck in the pod? (Pure Gym people will understand this)

With all that in mind I was happily living behind my macbook at home but my family joined forces and signed me up anyway, so I trudged along with my brother and came out unscathed so here is the story of my first gym escapade... Wow I've gone all Agatha Christie on you!

So really this story is quite simple! The gym is awesome, my brother showed me around, it is really big and spacious so you aren't treading on anybodies toes and all of the people are really nice will help you with anything if you ask.

On my first night I really just tried a bit of everything my brother happily dragged me around getting me to do lots of different exercises and when we turned to leave he had a grin like a cheshire cat as he proudly told me "TOMORROW IS LEG DAY".

To be honest I like leg day but thats just me.

Here are some of the thoughts that went through my head on the first night:

  • Why are these so many mirrors EVERYWHERE?
  • Who in hell thinks of how to build these machines and how they will work?
  • Wow how long did it take for that person to get muscles like that?
  • Well that is an interesting colour combination you have gone for, where did you find that shirt?
  • Just breath, keep running just two more minutes (looks at time on the treadmill) damn you've only been on it for 3 minutes I can't give up now.
  • Is that really how that machine works?
  • Water I need water...
  • There is no way I can do that!

At the moment I don't have a huge weight lost strategy or crazy diet planned I just want to get into a routine and get fit, then decide if there is anything more I want to do.

Also im not just throwing the gym in your face, you don't need a gym to keep fit I used to and still do work out at home, the gym was just a way for my family to get me out of the house because I'm a hermit who lives on my laptop.

I hope you all liked this post feel free to get in touch or comment!

Thank you for reading!

Ps how awesome are mine and my brothers shoes! The brightest in the gym.


Saturday, 2 May 2015

Smoothie Saturday | Melon Mix

Iv always loved melon but especially in the summer mouth as they are good for hydrating but taste so damn sweet, so it only seemed right that I make a smoothie out of them, although it probably classes more as a juice!

A quarter of a water melon
a quarter of a honeydew melon
a quarter of a galia melon
a squeeze of lime.

its super simple and I like to make it after iv been to the gym to rehydrate, of course like other smoothies you can add plenty of extras, or add a whole lot more lime depending on how you feel!

Thank you for reading!


Friday, 1 May 2015

April Favourites

Woooo April went fast, I know I say that each month but as the end of my college year draws closer, the quicker time seems to fly!

For skin care my favourites this month has to be Simple. I have been using the Kind to eyes smoothing eye balm and the Kind to skin vital vitamin day cream, also the vital vitamin foaming cleanser.

I have also been loving the super drug own brand tea tree facial cleansing wipes, they are super cheap there is a lot of them, they usual have a deal on them and they actually work, what more could you ask for. I would advise that you get the sensitive skin ones iv if your eyes are sensitive as well is your skin, you ask why? all i got one of each but the normal ones make my eyes water like I'm cutting an onion.

Iv also been loving Benefit Roller Lash, when I first saw the brush I didn't think it would be up to much, but a love it, your lashes look so natural and you don't need to use ten coats. Also if you are like me and don't like putting things close to your eye and the huge mascara bristles other brands use freak you out then Roller Lash is for you.

Lush Jungle Solid Conditioner, I know I put this up last month but I haven't just been using it for my hair, I thought I would see how it shapes up when it comes to shaving my legs and guys this is a magical product, I will write a review for you.

Boohoo, Plain and simple I freaky love boohoo!

Because Iv started the gym Iv been looking for more work out appropriate clothing and New Balance Sports bra and my under armour tops have become my new best friends.

Also my bright orange Nike shoes, you guys know I love orange so these shows are perfect for me.

TV & Film:
Generation Kill

herbs and spices, these can make a change to any meal.

Also this cute jar from wilkos!

I hope you guys enjoyed this post, tell me in the comments what your favourite things were this month.

Thank you for reading

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