Sunday, 24 May 2015

Smoothie Sunday | Apricot Delight

Once again I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried apricot, the only time I have eaten apricot is in   yogurt but I wanted to try the actual fruit so I made a smoothie.

1 passion fruit
juice of half an orange
1 mango
3 apricots
100ml of coconut and pineapple juice.

This smoothie is for people with a sweet tooth, I hope you enjoy

When I payed for the apricots I was stood at the till for about 15 minutes because they weren't on the computer system so it took four different workers to work out how to pay.

I bought the coconut and pineapple juice because it is really expensive to buy coconut water on its own so I figured that this would be a good alternative and bought it, but silly me didn't read what was in it until I got home. It is full of added flavours and also milk, which I am sensitive with, I told you guys before I have a lot of bad luck.

Thanks for reading


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