Thursday, 14 May 2015

My New Phone Case

**Disclaimer this isn't sponsored I just really love my new phone case.

So I have a Sony Xperia Z3 Compact, I'm a really clumsy person and if you believe in luck then you should know mine is pretty bad and when I'm at college if something breaks people usually luck at me first.

I decided its probably best to buy a phone case because I'm forever dropping my phone so while I was at college I picked a case only that I liked but didn't have my card details with me so I decided to wait until I got home... I forgot.

The next day I dropped it and the back shattered so I was looking to buy a case quick but couldn't decide which one to get and at the time I was watching generation kill on repeat so it only made sense to design a generation kill case.

Gocustomized was the only site that had had a Z3 compact case that was also at a reasonable price, I designed my case and ordered... then realised id ordered the wrong case, I got just s Z3 not a Z3 compact so I emailed the company they got back to me within less than a day and cancelled my order with out a problem, so I could reorder.

When my case came it was exactly how I ordered it, the picture was perfect not blurred or distorted, and the writing looked just as I had designed it, so I would recommend this site to anybody who wants a custom case!

Thanks for reading 


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