Friday, 1 May 2015

April Favourites

Woooo April went fast, I know I say that each month but as the end of my college year draws closer, the quicker time seems to fly!

For skin care my favourites this month has to be Simple. I have been using the Kind to eyes smoothing eye balm and the Kind to skin vital vitamin day cream, also the vital vitamin foaming cleanser.

I have also been loving the super drug own brand tea tree facial cleansing wipes, they are super cheap there is a lot of them, they usual have a deal on them and they actually work, what more could you ask for. I would advise that you get the sensitive skin ones iv if your eyes are sensitive as well is your skin, you ask why? all i got one of each but the normal ones make my eyes water like I'm cutting an onion.

Iv also been loving Benefit Roller Lash, when I first saw the brush I didn't think it would be up to much, but a love it, your lashes look so natural and you don't need to use ten coats. Also if you are like me and don't like putting things close to your eye and the huge mascara bristles other brands use freak you out then Roller Lash is for you.

Lush Jungle Solid Conditioner, I know I put this up last month but I haven't just been using it for my hair, I thought I would see how it shapes up when it comes to shaving my legs and guys this is a magical product, I will write a review for you.

Boohoo, Plain and simple I freaky love boohoo!

Because Iv started the gym Iv been looking for more work out appropriate clothing and New Balance Sports bra and my under armour tops have become my new best friends.

Also my bright orange Nike shoes, you guys know I love orange so these shows are perfect for me.

TV & Film:
Generation Kill

herbs and spices, these can make a change to any meal.

Also this cute jar from wilkos!

I hope you guys enjoyed this post, tell me in the comments what your favourite things were this month.

Thank you for reading


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