Friday, 8 May 2015

My First Time | Gym Experience

I planned to have this up days ago but the gym and Naruto have stood in my way!

Being quite an anxious person the thought of going to the gym scared me to death, it had nothing to do with exercising because I enjoy it, but merely the thought of being in a room with people I didn't know and using equipment I didn't know stopped me from attempting.

What if I make a fool of my self on a machine?
What is I trip up and face plant the floor? (totally plausible with my luck)
Wont all of the gym goers watch me and judge me?
What is I break something? (myself, somebody else or some equipment)
What happens if I get stuck in the pod? (Pure Gym people will understand this)

With all that in mind I was happily living behind my macbook at home but my family joined forces and signed me up anyway, so I trudged along with my brother and came out unscathed so here is the story of my first gym escapade... Wow I've gone all Agatha Christie on you!

So really this story is quite simple! The gym is awesome, my brother showed me around, it is really big and spacious so you aren't treading on anybodies toes and all of the people are really nice will help you with anything if you ask.

On my first night I really just tried a bit of everything my brother happily dragged me around getting me to do lots of different exercises and when we turned to leave he had a grin like a cheshire cat as he proudly told me "TOMORROW IS LEG DAY".

To be honest I like leg day but thats just me.

Here are some of the thoughts that went through my head on the first night:

  • Why are these so many mirrors EVERYWHERE?
  • Who in hell thinks of how to build these machines and how they will work?
  • Wow how long did it take for that person to get muscles like that?
  • Well that is an interesting colour combination you have gone for, where did you find that shirt?
  • Just breath, keep running just two more minutes (looks at time on the treadmill) damn you've only been on it for 3 minutes I can't give up now.
  • Is that really how that machine works?
  • Water I need water...
  • There is no way I can do that!

At the moment I don't have a huge weight lost strategy or crazy diet planned I just want to get into a routine and get fit, then decide if there is anything more I want to do.

Also im not just throwing the gym in your face, you don't need a gym to keep fit I used to and still do work out at home, the gym was just a way for my family to get me out of the house because I'm a hermit who lives on my laptop.

I hope you all liked this post feel free to get in touch or comment!

Thank you for reading!

Ps how awesome are mine and my brothers shoes! The brightest in the gym.


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